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Part 36

In the morning Tammy hears knocks at the door and goes to open it leaving you in her room. Before she can even open the door it opens from the outside and it's Debbie.

Tammy - "Debbie what the fuck!"

Debbie - "Oh well hello to you too."

Tammy - "Debbie you can't just come here!"

Debbie - "What why not? Baby you haven't got someone over have you?"

She walks into tammys room joking but stops to see you asleep still in Tammys bed.

She turns and Tammy holds her head and she knows she knows.

They head outside and Debbie talks.

Tammy - "She's been crying so much debs. I couldn't leave her it was that bad."

Debbie - "Shit."

Tammy - "Shit? Shit! Debs you stole her girlfriend and then come back a year later to tell her her letter she sent to apologise and tell her truth after they had both had some time apart sent her into a dark place and she's now in a fucking psych ward. It doesn't take a genius to think that's quite traumatic for someone to hear! Especially when they haven't even heard their voice in the whole time apart."

Debbie - "I know I-"

Tammy - "No debs. I don't think you do! She was so hurt after Lous letter it took me weeks to get her to leave the spare room. She wasn't eating right and it took me spending time talking to her in her room while she sat there day after day in silence for one day something to snap in her mind and trust me. She's grown so so much and now I'm worried we are back at day 1 again."

Debbie is silent and sits down taking a deep breath.

Debbie - "I'm sorry."

Tammy - "It's not me who needs to know that Deb."

Debbie - "I know..."

Tammy - "When is she out?"

Debbie - "They said if she keeps it up it could be Tuesday."

Tammy - "Okay... and y/n is allowed to meet her?"

Debbie - "If Lou approves then yes. She can but we have to be nearby and supervise."

Tammy - "Okay."

Tammy joins her sat down and they just sit in silence.

While this has happened y/n had woken up and had a shower. She accidentally cut herself shaving as she couldn't get Lou out of her mind and headed out getting dressed quickly to find Tammy for a plaster but couldn't find her. Thats when she sees dark hair and knows who's here.

She can't speak to Debbie right now so she just tries to find them and fix herself but something falls and Tammy comes in to help.

Tammy - "Hey hey what are you looking for?"

Y/n - "A plaster for this."

Tammy - "Oh god hunny come here!"

Debbie comes in silent just looking at your face and body language showing how exhausted you are. Even your speech seems off and down. But she's soon snapped out of the trance once she sees what's up and grabs the stuff for Tammy, helping to fix you up.

Tammy - "There you go hunny come here."

Tammy hugs you. Knowing her, she probably thinks you did it on purpose which isn't true but she's a worrier. You can't even take in her kindness at this time though as all that's going through your head is that you don't want her to let go, because then you'll have to see and speak to Debbie again.

Hey angels should I carry on the story still or are you guys not liking these parts. Like if you have any ideas just let me know. <3

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