A year later

497 23 16

Part 31

It's now been a year since Lou left.
You've made a new life with Tammy and she taught you the ropes in her job. You both run her business and it's going well.

Lou is in Mexico with Debbie in a villa. They are even more wealthy from their jobs since and are living well.

You tried to forget Lou after you grieved more and moved on. You hoped she was happy and that Debbie was giving her the world you were somehow unable to do. But she always stayed at the back of your mind. You've grown so much since and have gained self love of the person you have become which you're very grateful for. But you feel like there is something missing. Unfinished.

You've heard Tammy speaking to them only a handful of times in the past few year but she told you what was said so you knew they were okay. Lou had asked to not speak to you as it was painful to hear your voice and it broke you every time you asked to have the phone. She sent her apologies and always asked how you are doing. She said that she was proud of you and that she hopes you are happy. You can't help but think your messages aren't getting through so you try to contact Lou yourself.

Y/n wrote a letter to Lou once she managed to get hold of nine and she helped to find her location. It read.


I understand you letting me go. I am thankful for you respecting my privacy and am sorry if I made you think I was done with us.

You're my world and I miss you everyday. I hope you're happy. And I hope you're healthy and comfortable.

I will always love you. I forgive you for what you did and hope that one day we will meet again. In this life or the next.

You're truly the light of my life and I'm so grateful to have met you. My partner.

Love your dearest

P.s. I miss your gay pancakes!

You never received a reply.

The end

Until your phone rang...

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