On the up

461 17 0

Part 20

Smut warning! <3

You make out for a while until Lou makes her way down your body taking off your underwear. You flinch as she kisses you inner thighs. You start moaning louder and louder and as she gets faster and faster.

Y/n - "Oh Lou! Lou! Baby don't stop! Don't stop! Ah!"

Lou - "Cum for me baby!"

You start to shake as she continues until your legs and body are uncontrollably shaking. She looks up at you smiling and plops her body next to you catching her breath too.

You start to kiss her neck to give it back to her but she stops you.

Lou - "Honey! Honey it's okay baby don't worry I'm satisfied enough by you."

You smile and she grabs you tightly kissing your head. You relax in that position and end up falling asleep.

It's the next morning and you wake up still in Lous arms. It feels amazing to be there and you try to contain your excitement. Lou notices you move and wakes up too.

Lou - "Good morning sweetheart."

She kisses your head and you both get up and go downstairs for breakfast.

Debbie and Tammy aren't up yet so you both just decide to make everyone pancakes.

Y/n - "Pancakes make you gay you know."

She laughs at you nudging your arm and you both continue. You eventually finish and turn to get the plates as Lou comes up behind you kissing your neck. You eventually end up sat on the counter top making out until Tammy and Debbie walk downstairs.

Debbie - "Really guys."

Tammy - "Yeah guys the counter is not a comfy bed trust me."

You both look at Tammy and her eyes widen and you all laugh.

You eventually sit down and eat the pancakes. You turn to Lou and whisper in her ear.

Y/n - "Shit we've made them both gay now."

She laughs and nudges you and you keep eating.

Life feels like it's finally on the way up again.

Hey angels I hope your day is going well! <3

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