Not okay

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Part 15

You nod but she can see you're not.

Tammy - "Hunny you can talk to me you know. I won't-"

Y/n - "I know. I just don't have anything to say sorry."

She looks at you concerned but brushes it off and continues to eat.

Lou - "Hey guys me and Debbie are just going to meet an old friend we'll be back soon."

They leave and you're officially just home with Tammy.

You head upstairs and Tammy is on the phone to her family.

You sit on your bed thinking and thinking about your life.

Are me and Lou in love?
Is she smitten with me or is it all an act?
Is she secretly in love with Debbie?
Has she got bored of me and found comfort in an old friend?
Do they love each other but don't know how to tell me?

All of a sudden you notice Tammy stood by the door watching you. By that point you're crying from your thoughts and notice Tammy staring at you.

Tammy - "Y/n hunny come here!"

She comes over to the bed and hugs you.
You cry and cry until you can't anymore and then find comfort with Tammy.

Tammy - "Are you ready to talk now hunny?"

You look scared to speak and she holds your face looking into your eyes. Deep into your soul.

Tammy - "Look at me okay! You're safe here. Anything you tell me is between us okay. I won't tell anyone without your permission anything. I know it's happened before and I know you may not have fully regained my trust but I assure you that you can tell me anything. I've learnt from my mistakes and I really want to be here for you right now. Please trust me. Please."

You smile and hug her tightly. She giggles but then starts to tear up and you then get concerned. You look up and grab her face wiping away her tears with your thumbs.

Y/n - "Its Lou."

Tammy - "Lou? What's happened you seemed fine before."

Y/n - "Between us yeah?"

She nods and you carry on.

Y/n - "When you think of Lou what do you think of?"

Tammy - "Oh umm I mean she's dresses well and she um is very confident. She can be flirty and scary at times I guess but overall she's really kind women."

You smile and nod.

Tammy - "Why bring her up?"

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