Talk it out

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Part 19

Lou - "Y/n I know you said you're okay but-"

Y/n - "I know!"

She looks at you and her eyes melt.

Y/n - "I know okay. I'm not okay. I'm not. But I'm just scared that if I ask you you'll hate me."

Lou - "What do you mean baby?"

You start to cry and she grabs your face and wipes the tears away.

Lou - "Come on baby please. Anything you say okay I promise you I will be here for you and 100% truthful."

Y/n - "Okay. I umm I've been seeing you umm looking at umm."

Lou - "What? Looking at what baby?"

Y/n - "Debbie"

Lou's head moves away for a second and she takes a deep breath and she looks already over the conversation. But you grab her hands to face you.

Y/n - "No Lou listen to me okay. I know you two are close. I know that and that's fine. I just can't help but feel sometimes that you two are more than that. That you get on with her better than me. I mean I barely see you lately as you're always out with Debbie somewhere and I just-"

Lou - "Look at me. I love you. Not Debbie, not Tammy no one else. I love you. I'm sorry if I made you feel like it was otherwise and I'll be careful next time not to give you any wrong ideas. Just promise me that next time you feel like this you tell me okay?"

You take a deep breath and answer.

Y/n - "Okay."

She smiles and grabs you kissing you all over your face.

Hey angels thanks so much for all of the love on the story so far!

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