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Part 41

You laugh at her kissing your neck and ask her what's going on.

Lou - "Ask Debbie."

Y/n - "What? Debbie what's happening?"

Debbie - "Umm did Tammy not say?"

Y/n - "No she was about to tell me something but you both came back."

Debbie - "Oh haha okay well umm..."

Y/n - "What? Can somebody please tell me what's happening!"

They both look at Lou and she whispers in your ear.

Lou - "They're fucking."

Y/n - "What?"

She nods at Debbie and Tammy and your eyes widen as you look at Tammy.

Y/n - "Since when?"

Debbie - "oh charming!"

Y/n - "No I... I just didn't see that coming."

Debbie - "Me neither but it happened."

Y/n - "So you guys have rekindled an old romance too then."

Debbie - "Wait what?"

Y/n - "Oh come on guys I'm not blind. It was so obvious that you two had a thing before with you both being so close and trusting and you knowing each other so well... like it's not hard to put two and two together."

Lou - "She's right to be fair guys I wasn't very surprised."

Tammy - "Yeah but you knew before."

Lou - "Exactly."

You laugh and hug Tammy saying your happy for her. You then hug Debbie too.

Your food eventually arrives and as you're sat down eating you realise something .

Y/n - "Hang on... if you two are fucking then when did it happen? Because since you've been back you've always with me and tam so when did you?"

They look at eachother and your eyes widen.

Y/n - "When I was in my room?"

Tammy presses her lips together and you make a face.

Y/n - "Fucks sake guys!"

Lou laughs and puts her arm around you kissing your head.

Debbie - "Okay so are you both like together know then?"

You're eating and about to talk but Lou beats you to it.

Lou - "Yeah umm I guess we are yes but we agreed to not put labels on anything until I've been to more sessions and regained her trust more."

Y/n - "Yeah she's going to have to work for it but I'm happy and I'm going to go with her to her sessions for support."

Lou smiles kissing your side of your head and Tammy and Debbie smile.

Hey angels there's only one more part left after this so I'm going to start uploading the first part of my new story only one.
I've been struggling recently and it's hard to admit but writing these stories has somehow been a release for me so thank you all for all the support.

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