The letter

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Part 30

It's been a month since the phone call and you need your stuff.

You've been getting closer to Tammy and you guys have developed a close bond. She's taken good care of you and you're very grateful for her.

You decide with Tammy that's it's time to get your stuff from Lous and so you contact her.
She answers back saying that you can pop in anytime, you've got the key.

You're both civil now, with you both communicating via Tammy and her constant gifts brought over to you to apologise. But after everything that has happened you do still miss her. You ask Tammy if it's okay if she stays in the car while you pack and she nods.

As you enter Lous apartment its cold and no one is in sight. You head up to your room and see the t-shirt Lou gave you that one night and a note on top of it with your name on it.

You start to tear up and pick up the note sitting on the bed to read it.


By the time you are reading this I will be gone and you will hopefully be in a better place.
Everything comes full circle. And I'm sad that it came to us when our lives were still with us and not til death do us part.

I am away on a job with Debbie. We will be gone for a while. But please know that I will be thinking about you always. I know that I hurt you and for that I am truly and wholeheartedly sorry my love.

Please believe that I would do anything to see you happy. So I do the only thing I can after all I have done to you.

I release you.

You sit crying on the bed. After a while you pull yourself together and start to pack putting on the t-shirt. It still smells like her.

You leave turning off Lou's lights and slowly walk towards Tammy's car with the letter still in your hands. She gets out the car to help you with your stuff and once it's all in the car you get in.

As soon as you close the door you break down and Tammy stops talking to comfort you. She asks what's wrong and you give her the letter.

She reads it and then hugs you tighter.

After that you try to contact her but your texts bounce back and Tammy struggles also.

Hey angels! Do you think they finally get through to Lou or are her and Debbie distant people now?

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