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Part 7

It's Tammy.
She's shocked and runs inside.
You follow her shouting.


The others watch shocked and confused.
You follow her outside and Lou runs after but you turn to her and shout


She stands still shocked and takes a few steps back looking into your eyes and you run after Tammy. She is running down to the water outside and you shout


She looks up and stops running.
Out of breath you catch up to her and say

Y/n - "Huh...huh... Tammy please can we talk."

She walks to the railings and leans onto them and you follow.

Tammy- "Why did you do it?"

Y/n - "What Tammy? I don't understand what have I done?"

Tammy- "What have you done?-"

At this point your exhausted and just loose it.

Y/n - "YES TAMMY! If you are to run away like that you must have a reason for it?!"

She's looks down in silence.
You calm down slightly.

Y/n - "Tammy? Please..."

Tammy - "I heard you..."

Y/n - "What?"

Tammy - "I heard you..."

Y/n - "Wait what are you on about Tammy I really don't-"

Tammy - "You and Lou!"

You're shocked but try not to show it and stop overthinking everything in your head.

Y/n - "Tammy... what do you mean?"

Tammy - "I mean it took a while but then as soon as I learnt that Lou followed you through that door you ran from that night that something had happened. I just had to figure out what..."

Tammy - "I noticed your looks and smiles and indefinitely you noticed my eyes also..."

"So when everyone was going out I knew that if I went you would feel more comfortable and so I did. It wasn't hard to know that Rose would leave to be creative and design or whatever she does for hours on end so I knew it would be just you two. I expected you two to be alone in the living room talking and hoped that it be about your departure that night but to my surprise you were both not downstairs..."

You're in utter shock but try to look like you're still genuinely confused.

Tammy- "However... that does not mean I don't have ears. I know what I heard so why don't you both just admit it to everyone?"

Y/n - "Look Tammy I can't okay please don't tell anyone I beg you-"

Tammy - "WHY? What's so wrong about it!"

Y/n - "NOTHING! I just-"

Tammy - "You just what? You're obviously smitten with her so why hide it and make it harder for you both?"

Y/n - "BECAUSE!... my family... they wont approve and I-"

Tammy- "This is not about your families happiness. It is about yours. So why do you feel like you have to hide?-"

Y/n - "BECAUSE IM SCARED!... I'm scared okay. They are extremely religious and won't settle until I am happily married to a man I'm sure-"

Tammy- "Okay but at the end of the day your choices are not theirs to make-"

You turn to her with your eyes filling up with tears.

Y/n - "TAMMY!... Please! It hurts enough for myself to think about it I don't need any of this honest.

Tammy - But I just want to-

Y/n - "NO TAMMY! And what I really fucking want to know is why the fuck you ran away like that just then!?"

She's looks down silent.
It's silent for only a minute but that's too long for you.

Y/n - "Well... Tammy for gods sake please tell me why I cannot help you unless I know-"

Tammy - "You..."

Y/n - "What about me?"

It's silent and then she answers.
Tammie - "Why did it take this long to figure out you like women?"

Y/n - "What?-"

Tammy - "Why?!"

Y/n - "LOOK OKAY IT DIDN'T! I knew already I was just trying to hide it."

There's silence and then you realise.

Y/n - "Either way Tammy okay... Firstly how did you figure it out that I was gay and secondly why does me kissing Lou cause that reaction?!"

Tammy looks at you like she's accepting the challenge to answer and begins.

Tammy - "You have never once been able to come up with your man crush whenever daphne tries to make you admit yours... You've said that you were obsessed with Matilda and Coroline as I child, and you constantly comment on women looking amazing... never any men. So i mean I'm sorry if i jumped to conclusions but yeah it's kind of-"

Y/n - "OKAY! Fine I'm obviously not as good at hiding it as I thought-"

Tammy - "Of course you aren't! We can all try our hardest but there's always parts of our true selves that always peep through. Whether we notice ourselves or not-"

Y/n - "And the second one...?"

Tammy- "Umm... I was just mad I guess... Seeing you so scared that I saw you I just wanted to escape the situation and calm down-"

Y/n - "But why were you so mad? Like-"

Tammy- "BECAUSE! You are important to me and I wanted you to be happy. I knew that the secrecy wasn't going to result in that and I needed time to think but hey here you are interrupting my thinking session-"

Y/n - "okay... I'll go."
You stare at her for a second in silence and turn around. You take a few steps back to Lou's place to give her space but have to stop.

Y/n - "Tammy?"

Tammy - "Yes?"
She's turned around to look at you.

You run and hug her and thank her for understanding.

You then start to walk away but have to run back again.

Y/n - "Oo and I almost forgot... don't tell the others or anyone in that matter please Lou can't even know you know!"

She nods.

Y/n - "It's also up to you as to your reason for running out here so get thinking."

You smile as she laughs and walk back to the house.
When you get back lou is not to be found but the others crowd you asking questions.
You simply state

Y/n - "Guys it's nothing honest and I don't want to talk about something that is strictly between me and Tammy. If you wish to know then by all means ask her but that doesn't mean she will tell or respect you for not respecting her privacy either."

You walk upstairs to your room but hear someone crying in one of the rooms.

Hope you enjoy angels. <3

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