That night

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Part 4

Rose - "What's wrong baby your eyes are red?"
Shes grabbing your face concerned and hugs you. You pull back because you know if you let her hug you for long you'll cry again.

Y/n - "Im fine honest i just got a bit anxious but im fine now."
She is still concerned and takes your hands.

Rose - "Y/n please is there anything you want to tell me?"
You look down.
Y/n - "Rose I'm fine honest it's just my anxiety got the better of me so I went outside to catch my breath. Lou noticed and helped me to calm down I'm fine now honest."
She nods and hugs you again.

Rose - "If you ever feel anxious at all I'm here okay. Just call me or grab me if I'm here. If you need me to listen or need a chat or anything."You stop her from adding on words with a hug and thank her and say your very grateful. She grabs your hand and you walk back to Debbie, nine and Constance and you joke around and rose tries to lighten you up.

It's the night and everyone is in their rooms upstairs at Lous place. You can't sleep so you go downstairs to grab some water and sit on the sofa in the corner to think. You're sat there for an hour or so and you get bored, but you're too awake to go back upstairs to sleep yet so you grab some paper, a pen and start doodling.

Y/n - "What?"
"Oh god sorry did I fall asleep?"

Tammy - "Yeah you did but you're okay. Do you wanna go upstairs and sleep back up there? I can help you up there if you need me too?"

Y/n - "Umm no I'm okay I'll just... wait what are you doing up Tam tam are you okay?"

Tammy - "Me? Oh yeah I'm fine I just came down for some water. Most importantly...why are you down here? And what's that you've drawn?"

Y/n - "Oh I was just getting some water too and I was doodling."

Tammy - "Oh it's looks good let me see-"

Y/n - "No tam, it's just a boring drawing im gonna bin it as soon as I get to one it's nothing-"

Tammy - "Well if it's nothing then I can see it?"
She's now trying to take the paper from under your arms while you're trying to pin it down.

Y/n - "Tammy ! Please ?!
You look down... "Can you just leave it ?!"

Tammy - "Okay... alright... but what happened to you? You seem off-"

Y/n - "Honestly Tam im fine..."
She's looks at you with that concerned face she's been giving you all day so you just snap and out it all out...
"I've just been getting anxiety attacks a lot more recently than usual Tam. But it's okay, I think it's just the timing of everything. They should slow down soon like they normally do; and I'll be feeling less anxious here. I might need to go and see my doctor actually so I can get some new meds, I'm not sure. I'll have to talk to my mum about it she's got his number.... Umm anyway yeah but um I'm fine really, honest, just trying to get it under control really."

Tammy is silent for a second trying to process what I just blurted out so fast.

Tammy - "So that other day when you ran into the bathroom that was an anxiety attack?"

Y/n - "Umm no I was genuinely bleeding everywhere I forgot to change my tampon. I mean yes the anxiety of that wasn't helping but it wasn't an attack no."
You pause and then carry on
"Why are you so worried about me anyways?"

Tammy - "What w... because im your friend. You're like my family almost like I wanted to make sure you were okay like I was worried."
Y/n - "Oh.."
"Im sorry if I worried you Tam I really am"
You hug her.

Y/n - "Right im gonna go sleep now before I fall asleep again on this table but I'll see you in the morning yeah ?"
Tammy - "Yeah see you y/n !"

Tammy still follows you up the stairs anyway though. You hug at the top of the stairs and thank her for the chat and say good night.

It's the morning but you're not up yet. The girls are worried at first but Tammy lets them know you were up late last night so to let you sleep in.
Lou looks worried though and goes to check up on you. You're awake but your still curled up in bed so she thinks you're still asleep. Lou stand by the door for a bit before walking towards your bed watching you and smiling.
At this point you're awake so you open your eyes and Lou is mortified and apologises.

Lou - "oh I'm so sorry i probably look like a right creep I-"
You can't help but laugh and say
Y/n - "it's okay dont worry."

She laughs slightly and smiles at you.
Lou - "You look so beautiful and you've just woken up. It's amazing."

You smile and roll you eyes. Your stomach is full of butterflies and you can feel your face getting red.
Y/n - "Stop it..." you say hiding under your covers.

She laughs and says
"Okay I'll leave you to get ready," and leaves.
You get up smiling, shower and get dressed.
You opt for some jeans and a cute top with an oversized shirt over the top and do your makeup nice too and head downstairs.

Everyone is busy chatting and then they all stare at you. You didn't realise at first because you were looking in the fridge but you turn back to pour a glass of orange juice and everyone is staring. They all then look away and you don't know where to go now. You sip your orange juice stood there and then Rose shouts you and you sit on the empty seat next to her.

Debbie turns to you.
Debbie - "So y/n you're dressed up today where are you off to?"

You look down at your outfit and just say
Y/n - "Nowhere I was just bored I guess."
They all look at eachother and laugh.

Daphne - "Yeah right...Who are you meeting and what is his name?! Oo I bet it's that boy she described in the game what was it again tall blond..."

Tammy - "STOP IT DAPH!"
Everyone is slightly shocked and she just takes a breath, opens her eyes and says
Tammy - "If y/n doesn't want to talk about it they don't have to okay..."

Daphne - "Okay damn!"
For the rest of the group chat Tammy never spoke, looked down and made no eye contact with anyone.

No one seemed to see it but you, and you stare at her waiting for her to look up at you and see that you noticed. She doesn't and after the chat the girls go off out for the day; including Tammy but you don't know where she went.

You're left there with Lou and rose. Rose talks about her new jacket she is making for Lou. Lou is meant to looking at the design Rose is showing and checking it's right but all she can look at with every extra glance she can is you. You notice obviously and smile while looking at her.
Rose then stands up and says right, that's that then I'll get onto making it now.
She leaves and it's just you and Lou.

There's silence for a second but you just have to break it.
Y/n - "It's a lovely jacket."
Lou - "Yeah it is isn't it."
You smile and carry on talking about it but Lou interrupts.
Y/n - "Can't wait to see you wearing it it's gonna look to cool-"

Lou - "Look okay !"
She looks serious.

I hope you're liking the story so far. If you have any questions or thoughts just let me know. <3

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