How could you!

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Part 25

Lou - "Well yeah but ugh don't start with that again y/n it's not like tha-"

Y/n - "Like what? Like when you helped me up in the toilet last night that I didn't see a huge hickey on your chest that I most definitely did NOT give you! That a fucking blind person could FUCKING SPOT! From a FUCKING MILE AWAY LOU! How could you?"

You start crying and she goes to talk but you're just so overwhelmed and cut her off.


You collapse to the floor in exhaustion and just cry. Lou comes over to you and hugs you and your too weak to even tell her not to. You just want to go back to the beginning where it was simple and fun. This. This wasn't fun at all. It was painful and personal.

Debbie and Tammy eventually hear and once it gets quiet they come outside to see if we are okay.

Debbie - "Lou are you okay?"

But this angered you even more. And you regained your strength. You pushed Lou off you and started to walk away until you stopped and turned to stare at Debbie.

Y/n - "Here she is everyone. The one and only Debbie Ocean. Not only is she a master at stealing and scamming for money, she's also a secret expert at stealing and scamming the heart. Especially when it comes to her best friend and partner Lou FUCKING Miller!"

Debbie - "Y/n wait a minute let me explain-"

Y/n - "What? What are you gonna say? Huh? Hi I'm sorry I fucked your girlfriend it will never happen again."

Lou - "Y/n wait-"

You go to talk to her with so much hate behind you eyes that she can definitely feel but Tammy interrupts.

Tammy - "No guys leave her be okay it's obviously hard to hear and she needs some time. Come on y/n."

She puts her arm around you as you start to cry in her arms and walks you inside to her room.

Y/n - "How could she do it Tammy!"

Tammy - "Shh I know hunny I know."

You cry in her arms for what feels like hours until you body feels just as bad as it did that morning so you have to start breathing and getting stable again.

Tammy - "Look Im sorry I wasn't able to see for myself what you saw. I thought it was just you doubting yourself at first but the evidence is plain to see now and I'm so so sorry y/n."

Y/n - "It's okay Tammy you weren't to know and anyway I'm just so overwhelmed with what just happened I just ahh-"

You start to cry again and Tammy grabs your face wiping the tears away. She smiles looking into your eyes and you feel something that you have been missing for a while now but you're so overstimulated that it could just be your hormones and adrenaline levels going all over the place.

She pulls you into hug you again and places you down on the bed lying next to you. You end up listening to her talking to you for hours as you were too exhausted and just lay there listening. She's holding your hand the whole time stroking it with her thumb like Lou used to do but you've cried so much you find comfort in it now. You didn't really fully pay attention to what she was saying as your head was elsewhere but you try.

Hey angels I hope you enjoyed this part.

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