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Part 18

Tammy has picked a movie and you all sit to watch it.

You're snuggled up with Lou and it's all going well until you notice out of the side of your eyes that Lou is looking down thinking and not watching the movie.

What is she thinking about?
Is it me?
Is she worried about me?
Is she thinking how she can make it up to me after cheating on me with Debbie a few hours ago?


She loves you so stop it!

You lift your head off her shoulder and she stops thinking to look at you confused why you moved.

You lean your head on your arm away from her and continue to watch the movie.

She looks at the screen and nudges you. You just blink and stay watching the movie as she's staring at you.

She eventually looks back and puts her hand over yours. You let her and she calms down rubbing your hand with her thumb.

The movie finishes and Tammy says she's going to bed and you do too and follow her as she puts her arm around you.
You go upstairs knowing that Lou is talking to Debbie again but you're not about to annoy yourself anymore.

Tammy notices you thinking still and hugs you.

Tammy - "Listen okay if you are truly having doubts then you're going to have to speak to Lou. I've told you what i know and if that's not enough which it clearly isn't. As much as it may hurt talking to Lou is probably your best option."

You nod and she kisses your head saying goodnight.
Y/n - "Thank you Tam Tam."

Tammy - "It's okay baby, night."

Y/n - "Night."
Tammy walks to her room and you get ready for bed.
Once you're ready you expect Lou to still be downstairs with Debbie but she isn't. She's sat in bed waiting for you.

As you were getting ready you did cry slightly so your eyes are red but you try to smile at her to distract it; knowing she's probably already noticed and wants to talk.

You get into bed next to her and before you can say anything she butts in.

Hi angels. Remember to smile today and remind yourself that you're worthy of being happy.

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