You're doing what!

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Part 24

Debbie - "Yay Lou they said they can do it!"

Lou - "Okay good but be quiet they are still asleep."

You're not asleep anymore but you can't help but be interested in what they are talking about.

Debbie - "So if we are on plan which we always are then it's another 900 grand."

Plan? What plan? What's happening?

Lou - "Sweet okay just let me know when and i'll send jake the message to start."

Then you hear Debbie walk away and give up pretending anymore.

You open your eyes and Lou notices putting her arms around your shoulders from behind the sofa.

But what you heard made you realise the real business she's been leaving the house for and you get annoyed.

You duck out of her touch and head outside before you do anything in-front of poor Tammy who I still asleep.

Soon enough Lou follows shutting the door behind her.

Lou - "Babe what's wrong?"

Y/n - "Whats wrong? WHATS FUCKING WRONG!"

Lou gets shocked you raised your voice but is still confused.

Y/n - "I'll tell you what's wrong BABE! You and Debbie still scheming after everything thats already happened!"

Lou - "No honey let me-"

Y/n - "Let you what? Explain? Well Lou my beautiful gorgeous girlfriend Lou. Please enlighten me as to the reason for you to feel the need to still FUCKING SCHEME! You've already got the money. You've already got the plans. Yes they may have taken a few months to figure out but we were FINALLY going to be free. To live a life we planned together. But what I DON'T fucking remember is you saying you were going to keep this on. I thought you were done? You SAID you were DONE! What the FUCK happened Lou? Seriously I want to know?"

She is looking into your eyes annoyed and answers.

Lou - "Because Y/n it's what I'm good at? It's what we are good at."

Y/n - "So we as in you and Debbie?"

Hey angels! I hope you're still enjoying this story :)

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