How could you!

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Part 10

Down the hallway Tammy is in your room crying. She went in to find you but once she realised you weren't there she just collapsed. She's in a ball at the side of the bed until she sees the drawing you did the other night and were hiding from her in a little ball by the bin. She goes up to it all crumpled and unfolds it to see a drawing of Lou and you. She smiles slightly but shes still so overwhelmed and begins to get angry and rips is up while bawling. Rose hears and comes in to see what's happening.

Tammy - "What have I done Rose? I'm an awful person!"

Rose - "hey hey hey there calm down... Look okay what you did to y/n wasn't the best as i don't think she was ready... But you need to somehow... umm use this energy you have to figure why you did it and how to can make it better okay?"

Tammy is looking down but she nods and Rose comforts her a bit more. They end up writing down ways Tammy can make it up to you and then all of a sudden you're at the door.

You see them both and Tammy gets up immediately to talk. She's too late and you have already ran and closed your bathroom door. You couldn't believe that she could say that and then think it's okay to just barge into your room like that. And what was with all the paper?

You calm yourself down just as Tammy stops knocking on the door asking to talk.

You open the bathroom door and just look at her.

Tammy - "Y/n I'm so sorry! I really am! I- I don't know what came over me but I just snapped and for that I am so so deeply sorry..."

You're sat on the side of the bath now with your head down.

Tammy - "Do you want me to go-"

Y/n - "Why did you do it?"

Tammy - "Huh?"

Y/n - "Go on why did you do it?"

Tammy - "I- I was just mad and the kiss and-"

Y/n - "Woah woah woah hold on there one second... So me swerving you kissing me while you knew fully well the situation between me and Lou, somehow then made you think you had the right to say THAT!"

Tammy - "y/n please I was just-"

Y/n - "You were just what Tammy!! YOU OUTED ME! IN FRONT OF EVERYONE! When you knew FULLY WELL how I felt and how I was NOT READY!"
You're tearing up exhausted from yelling.

Tammy - "y/n please just let me explain...-"

Y/n - "NO TAMMY... ugh I feel so sick... I feel so sick of the lies, the sneaking around the excuses. Now I guess thanks to you they're done... But-... one thing I'm never gonna not be sick of... is you."

You walk out the room pushing past Tammy as she runs after you.
You make your way to Debbie and she grabs you and puts you behind her.

She sees Tammy coming and just holds you still.

Tammy - "Debbie listen to me okay! I don't know what to do... I don't know what to say... I just wanted to be there for her the way she was with me but I've fucked it and..."

She's stopped by Debbie.

Debbie - "Tammy please... just give it some time okay it's not easy..."

Tammy takes a breath, nods and walks away. You can hear her crying and deep down you want to hug her but it's like your frozen.

Debbie hugs you and takes you to Lou who's been worried sick hearing all the screams.

Lou - "Oh god y/n come here!"

She takes your face and cups it in her hands. She wipes away your tears with her thumbs and kisses your head before hugging you again.

Debbie - "I'll leave you two okay?"

Lou nods slightly while hugging and Debbie leaves.

Lou puts you down on the bed and you pull away for a second still looking down.

Lou - "Y/n? Y/n hunny look at me okay? Whatever happens Im here okay! Whoever says what... whoever does-"

You stop her talking and kiss her. It's a long kiss and Lou pulls away to make sure you're okay still.

She's knows you still need some rest so she picks you up and opens the covers and puts you down. She then climbs over the other side and hugs you stroking your head.

Thank you all for the votes and for reading so far! I'm so thankful for all the support! There's only a few parts left so I hope you enjoy!

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