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Part 11

You sit there in silence for a bit until you fall asleep. Once you wake up you're greeted by Lou staring at you.

Lou - "Oh god do I look like a creepy person again sorry y/n I-"

You smile and kiss her. You're kissing for a while until you start cuddling.

Y/n - "Lou..."

Lou - "Yes baby girl."

Y/n - "You know what... I actually am kind of glad that's over..."

Lou sits up slightly confused.

Y/n - "I just mean like I'm glad that I can walk downstairs in your arms now... and make breakfast with you in the morning with cuddles in between instead of just looks... that I can snuggle up with you on the sofa when we watch movies and not feel judged... that I-"

She stops you with a small kiss and smiles.

Lou - "One second... I need to ask you something first"

She's gets up and gets something out of drawer while you look at her confused.
She walks up to you and puts her hands on your arms looking down.

Y/n - "Oh hunny is this a proposal?"

She looks at you wide eyed and you both laugh.

Lou - "Look y/n... after all that's happened to us I just feel like we need something to solidify this... so... I was wondering if you would want to be my girlfriend?"

You look down at the ring she's holding knowing it's a promise ring and look up lifting Lous chin and kissing her. She pulls you away eager for answer.

Lou - "So is that a yes?

Y/n - "what do you think..."

You both smile and kiss again.
This kiss ends up getting a bit steamy and Lou leaves your legs shaking so much. You don't care about anyone else in the world anymore. Lou is your soulmate and you're so happy that you found her. You pull her back up to you and whisper.

Y/n - "So what is it you like...partner?..."

Her eyes widen as she realises you remembered what she said before from your first time and she smiles. You take this moment of weakness and flip her over.

You kiss her whole body. She then guides you down and tells you what she likes.
You do your best and turns out it's pretty good.
Lou is screaming your name and you know the others are still here but at this point you couldn't care less.

Lou finally moved her head back and her legs start shaking.
She goes to take a breath and waits for you to come back up but you stay there. Her eyes widen.
She screams again and you are trying not to smile too much as you're just happy it worked again.

Lou grabs your head and lifts it up to her.
Lou - "I didn't know you could do that?"

You look at her smiling and roll your eyes to look away from her.
Lou - "hey hey hey look at me... I love you y/n"

You're slightly scared but you know you do too so you just go with your gut.

Y/n - "i love you too..."

She smiles but is still holding your head giving you a look to make sure that you are sure. You crawl up to her level and nod. She hugs you pecking your lips over and over.

You lie there for a bit and then get in the shower. Lou joins you to your surprise and well you have fun let's just say that.

Once you're out Lou starts to get dressed and as she's finding clothes she throws some you're way. You smile widening your eyes at her and she says.

Lou - "You can't keep them though."

You laugh and put them on. Once you're ready Lou comes back out the bathroom and hugs you from behind.

Lou - "Baby! You look so good in my clothes omg."

You laugh as she kisses your neck. After a moment you both pull yourselves together and make your way downstairs.

Hey angels there is only one part left after this so I hope you enjoy it.

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