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Part 12

When you get there your arm in arm with Lou as she squeezes your side letting you know you're okay. You aren't walking the best and all you can hear is Debbie laughing.

You look up at her shocked. She tilts her head widening her eyes too and she chuckles before smiling and winking at you.

No one else noticed so you both go to the kitchen and make some breakfast. That's when it's hit you that you could actually kiss Lou right now and no one would be shocked. That is just what you did.

You put down the orange juice and came up behind Lou. She jumps slightly but you know she's smiling and you turn her around to kiss her. Just as you start kissing Debbie interrupts.

Debbie - "Lou come here look at this..."

Lou looks at you smiling but annoyed and goes over the Debbie and soon enough you realise why you were actually interrupted.
It's Tammy. She's stood by the door with red eyes and you just stop.

You know what she did was wrong but you can't bare to see her stood there like that. You run over to her and push her out of the door. Everyone notices including Lou who goes to get up but Debbie pulls her back so she stays put rolling her eyes.

Tammy looks at you slightly confused why you just pushed her through a door but you haven't got time for confusion and you hug tight.

She's frozen at first but then hugs you even tighter.
You pull away and lift her head up by her chin staring at her.

Tammy - "Y/n listen I get if you don't wanna talk I-"

Y/n - "Tammy... please just listen to me okay?"

Tammy nods and stays silent.

Y/n - "What you did the other day... it hurt. It really did... So much so that I was unconscious for some time after... but... I forgive you..."

Tammy - "Wait what... really you do?"

You smile and take her face in your hands.

Y/n - "Yes, yes i forgive you... But... I need you to understand that I'm with Lou. We are together and I don't want to make things awkward around you... Also please promise me if anyone ever comes to you again with a problem like this that you will keep it to yourself... Please?"

She nods her head. You hug her stroking her hair.

Tammy - "I'm sorry for what I did to you and I promise that your forgiveness is more than what I deserve... Please don't feel like you have to not show Lou affection in front of me or anything... okay"

You're silent.

Tammy - "y/n?"

Y/n - "yes?"

Tammy - "oh thank god don't scare me like that I thought you'd passed out again then-"

You hug Tammy some more and you both walk in arm in arm.
Lou notices the door move as she's been watching it the whole time. You and Tammy walk in and she takes you to Lou taking your arms off her and putting them around Lou.

Lou is shocked slightly but smiles and looks at Tammy who is smiling too.

Debbie then gets up and takes Tammy away to chat.

Lou - "Are you okay?"

Y/n - "Im fine... actually more than fine now I'm with you..."

She smiles and kisses you. Grabbing and pulling your face closer to her with every kiss. You both kind of forget where you are until Constance throws a ball at your faces and you pull away while they laugh.

Lou looks at you smiling and hugs you while throwing the ball back.

You turn to the other sofas and see Rose and daphne snuggled up. Rose catches your eyes on her and smiles as you smile back.

You're both finally happy.

Hey angels this is all I have written of this story and I'm unsure of whether to carry on, or upload another one that I have been working on.

Message me if you have ideas for this story and if you would be interested in another I have written.

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