Night out

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Part 21

You end up going to the nightclub with Lou and the girls that night and it's great fun. Although you technically work their on and off and Lou is working now but it's chill so she can join you all and drink too.

You're sat with Lou behind you in deep chats with Tammy and Debbie until Lous phone goes off on the table and she gets up to read it. She says she'll be back once she's checked up on everyone working. Not knowing you sneaked a look first and saw it was from Debbie.

A few seconds later Debbie gets up too and says she using the toilet.

You're left there with Tammy and she can see you're moods changed again.

Tammy - "Woah what's up you were just fine a minute ago?"

Y/n - "Im fine honest I think I need more alcohol though."

She laughs and gets up coming back with a tray full of shots of tequila.

Tammy - "Come on I'll get pissed with you."

You laugh and you take all the shots while chatting.

Eventually Lou and Debbie come back together and your face tells Tammy everything she needs to know about what you're thinking.

Lou - "Woah what's with all the shot glasses?"

Debbie - "You two didn't do all those did you?"

You both laugh and they look at each other realising that soon it's gonna hit you both and they kind of couldn't wait to witness it.

You both do eventually end up feeling it and you start to become even more talkative.

Y/n - "So Debbie you were in the toilet for a while is everything okay?"

Tammy laughs and you just look Debbie in the eyes smiling.

Debbie - "Oh sorry must have been a long wee."

You nod your head and Lou is looking at you funny.

Lou - "Hey babe come on let's get you home before you do something."

Y/n - "No no I wanna stay here for a bit longer please Lou."

She gives in and let's you stay. You're talking to Tammy loads and then you end up sitting close to her so she can hear you better. Lou let's you go because she trusts you both but what happens next is a shock to everyone.

You're both laughing and Debbie hears what was said and laughs too. Lou is just stood there smiling looking confused at what's happening infront of her.

You eventually look up at Tammy as you both laugh and she kisses you. It's only for a second but you know Its not right so you pull her away and run. Well you stumble to the toilets locking yourself inside one of the stalls.

Lou is knocking on the door but you're crying so much that you can't hear anything. You can't believe that you have let someone think that they could kiss you. You're all for Lou and you can't fathom where that came from.

Hey angels I hope you're still enjoying the story <3
I have a few more parts planned so far so this second part is still a work in progress.
Also I thought I might point out incase you don't understand that part but the slang for pissed means get drunk where I'm from not just angry :)

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