Too much

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Part 9

She gets up with nothing but anger on her face and walks towards the door opening it and leaving you there.

Y/n - "Tammy! Tammy get back here!"

You run after her and she's gathered everyone to say something. Before you get to them all she's already said it.

Tammy - "Hey guys I just wanted to say the reason I ran outside as I'm sure you were all eager to know was actually because I saw Lou and y/n kissing and didn't know how to act in front of the new couple."

She stops, breathing heavily. Everyone is silent and Lou doesn't look happy. They are looking behind her and she turns to see you going back outside.

Tammy - "Y/n wait! No come back please!"

Y/n - "No Tammy FUCK OFF! I'm done with you and your funny looks and jealousy okay! I wash my hands of it! NEVER! EVER! Speak to me again!

You run upstairs into Lou's room and lock yourself in the toilet. You get into her bath and just let it all out.

There's knocks at the door and a lot of screaming downstairs but you're crying so much your mind can't even make out what's what anymore. Your breathing is bad.
You eventually pass out in the bath exhausted just as Lou breaks open the door.

Lou - "No no no no no y/n baby wake up! Come on baby you can do it please!"

She's crying her eyes out and screams at Debbie to help.

They take you out of the bath and lay you on the bath mat in the recovery position while Rose is on the phone to someone who can help.

After a few minutes your eyes start to flutter and Lou jumps up to speak to you.

Lou - "Y/n ! Y/n hunny can you hear me? Come on you're doing great okay just try to open your eyes. Ah that's it hey baby, hey baby I've got you hi."

Lou is lying on the floor next to you hugging you awkwardly with tears everywhere. Trying not to lift you up as you've just woken up and sitting up this early might make you go unconscious again.

You turn to her and manage to get out one word.
Y/n - "Lou?"

She looks up again.

Lou - "Yes baby what is it? Can I do anything?Just tell me and I'll do it!"

You just hug her back and she won't stop crying. You've slowly managed to sit up almost and realise Debbie is there two looking concerned with rose behind her telling her phone you're okay now.

Debbie - "Hey hunny you doing okay?"

You smile and nod slightly and she gets up off the floor.

Debbie - "Okay we are gonna go and leave you two here for a bit. The doctor says you should rest and try to stay calm okay. Just call any of us if you need anything."

You nod and they leave you there with Lou.
She's now holding your face staring into your eyes.

Lou - "Okay baby let's get you somewhere comfy okay."
You nod and she helps you up to her bed.

Lou - "Ay gorgeous mind that corner there... ah here we go"
She opens the covers helping you to climb in.

She goes to get something but you grab her arm and she smiles getting into bed with you instead. Kissing your forehead softly many times before she spoons you holding onto your head stroking the back of your hair.

You lie there in silence for a bit before you fall asleep. Once you wake up Lou in watching you.

Lou - "Hey baby girl how are you feeling?"

Y/n - "Oh god did I fall asleep! Ah Im so sorry are you okay-"

Lou - "Hey hey hey it's okay hunny the doctor said on the phone to let you rest. You're okay here don't worry."

You look up at Lou and kiss her. She's shocked at first but begins to kiss you back harder.

Just as you're kissing there's a knock at the door.

Rose - "Hey is everyone decent? Can I come in?"

Lou - "Yes Rose you can come in."

She walks in and doesn't even say another word. Just comes over to your side and hugs you. She kisses your head, smiles and leaves.

Y/n - "Okay?"

Lou laughs a bit but gets serious as she's got something in her mind and turns to you.

Lou - "Look okay I don't want to bring it up if your uncomfortable I just want to know how you got like that?"

Y/n - "What with Tammy or the bath"

Lou - "Both... all of it because I just feel like I can't help unless I know the full extent of what the fuck just happened"

You tell her what happened. With Tammy saying she was jealous and trying to kiss you and you pushing away and her getting mad and telling everyone and she just stops you and hugs you tightly.

Lou - "It's okay... it's okay... it's over now and we can all just move on okay?"

Y/n- "i - I just don't know if I can... I'm so scared Lou. I really lost my shit out there...I was just so hurt... how could she do that to me?"

She hugs you and you just sit there for a second. Even though you feel scared, Lou's arms is the safest you've felt in too long.

This is a slightly smaller part but I hope you still enjoyed it.

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