The three interactions

716 26 4

Part 8

You spot rose crying on the floor next to her bed and go to give her a huge hug.
She then begins to sob and you stroke her hair.

Y/n - "It's okay rose. You can cry if you need to okay. I'm here for you."

You look up at the open door and think it best to avoid confrontation and quickly break free from her to close it. You then join back with her again.
She's stopped crying now but she's still breathing loudly and sniffing.

Y/n - "Are you ready to talk?"
She takes a deep breath and looks up at you.

Rose - "Okay..."

Y/n - "Whenever you're ready..."

Rose - "Did you hear her? The dashing person she met... I can't believe I was so stupid to be so caught up in someone so unattainable, so obtusely out of my league that I somehow managed to convince myself that they would ever like someone like me back... I mean does she even see me-"

Before she says another word you hug her.
She's shocked by the second hug but doesn't let go easily.

Y/n - "She never mentioned a name or even a description. We don't even know that it's a-"

Rose - "Of course it's a ma-"

Y/n - "ROSE!"
She looks at you shocked that you raised your voice.
You put your arm around her and stroke her arm.

Y/n - "You're never unattainable and whoever made you think that is in for a bad day when I meet them..."

She smiles and chuckles. Her eyes red from crying.

Y/n - "You're beautiful rose okay. Never let anyone say otherwise! You're perfect just the way you are and if you ever try to convince yourself otherwise then you will know about it okay?!"

She nods and you hug her again.
You then get up and remind her that if she needs you she can just pop into your room whenever. You leave her tucked into bed and head to your room.

You suddenly remembered that you never noticed Lous presence when you came back so you go to check her room.
As you go the grab the handle the door open and you're pulled inside.

Y/n - "Lou?"

Y/n - "Lou? This isn't funny seriously I'm scared." 

The lights turn on suddenly and she hugs you.

Lou - "Ah Im sorry my love i didn't mean to worry you."
She's gives you a massive hug and you laugh.

Lou - "hey I know I was gone when you got back so I just want to know.  Are you and Tam okay?"

Y/n - "oh yeah we are fine honestly. It's all sorted now."
She smiles and hugs you again kissing your neck.
Then you realise the time and push her head away.

Y/n - "Look Lou I need to go to my room before the others get suspicious why I'm in here. They aren't stupid you know, they will start thinking."

She looks at you sad but then nods opening the door and you leave.

Its the next morning and everyone is downstairs chatting. You wake up to the sound of Constance skateboarding in the corridor outside and are instantly awake.

You get up and get dressed but all you can think of is last night.
Is Tammy really that interested in my sexuality issues that she would get that mad at me kissing someone?
Is rose feeling better now?
Is Lou think of me like I've been thinking of her all night?

Suddenly you're snapped back into reality while straightening your hair by Debbie.

Debbie - "hey y/n, sorry to bother but just wanted to let you know that me and some of the girls are off to get food, just incase you got downstairs and no one was here. We will be back soon just going out for some late breakfast. Do you wanna come?"

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