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Part 26

At this point it's late and you're hungry so Tammy leaves you upstairs to get you both some food. You get into her bed as it's cold and then you hear a knock at the door.

You don't answer but they come in anyway as you hide under the covers.

Lou - "Look okay I understand if you don't want to talk but I don't want you hurting. Especially if you don't know the whole story."

You look into her eyes as red as yours. She looks at you with exhaustion and you at her the same. You take a deep breath and nod and she comes in sitting on the side of Tammy's bed.

Lou - "The hickey was from Debbie yes but we didn't have sex. She was down and I hugged her and we just kissed for a bit. She must have done it then but trust me we didn't fuck that day."

Y/n - "that day? So you did another?"

She looks at you with such a guilty face and you just know you're right.

Y/n - "Look Lou okay. I thought accepting Tammy kissing me last night that quickly was you just being reasonable and a good person in the circumstances. But I now know it was actually because you had done acts that were much worse. Acts that have hurt me. The person you said you loved. With all your heart. You broke me Lou. I don't think I can ever forgive that."

Lou - "Listen to me please y/n. I didn't mean to. It just happened and-"

Y/n - "and you didn't stop it?"

She looks up at you tears streaming down her face.
Lou - "yes. Yes and I'm so so so sorry. I understand if you can never forgive me for it but I just want to let you know how much I do love you. How much I do admire and feel connected to you. I truly do love you y/n and it will haunt me for the rest of my life that I ever hurt you. You're my beautiful angel and I'm so so sorry."

She is holding your face and kisses you and that's when you realise that it's not the same anymore. You pull her away and she cries even more. You let her hug you and you end up sat there with your heads together crying.

Tammy walks in and Lou sees. She stands up kissing your hand before wiping her eyes and leaving.

Tammy puts the food down and rushes towards you hugging you and tears fall down your face.

Tammy - "Hey hey hunny it's okay I'm here you're okay baby."

You feel safe with Tammy. She wipes away your tears again and kisses your head before getting your food and you start eating.

Once you're done she puts it aside almost scared to leave your side.

Hi angels! You're all so beautiful remember that! <3

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