Debbie tells 2

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Part 34

Y/n - "But what then?"

Debbie - "Huh?"

Y/n - "What then? Are you both just going to leave again and hope for the best?!"

Debbie - "Y/n i-"

Y/n - "Are you?!"

Debbie - "Hey hey don't do that we aren't! We wouldn't!"

Y/n - "You already did Debbie! You already did! I may have grown since you left and got better for myself but one thing that hasn't changed is my love for her. That will never change and it will haunt me forever that telling her that, made her think she deserved to harm herself! It's not okay Debbie! None of it and I need the name of the place she's at!"

Debbie - "What no you can't-"

Y/n - "Can't what?"

Debbie - "You can't visit-"

Y/n - "What why?"

Debbie - "There's no visitors unless you finish the time they give you and pass your regular checks. And even after that you have to go back month after month for checkups."

You take a deep breath.

Y/n - "Fine. But once she's done I need to see her Debbie."

You look her in the eyes.

Y/n - "Please let me see her."

You nod and she hugs you.

Debbie - "I will honey. I know. I'm so sorry for having to tell you this but look at me! You're of no fault okay. Now go back to Tammy before she notices your gone baby."

She kisses your head and you go back inside as Debbie walks away.


Half an hour later Tammy is driving you both home and you're quiet just staring out the window.

Tammy - "Hey hunny are you feeling okay?"

Y/n - "Oh umm yeah sorry I'm just tired."

Tammy - "Okay sweetheart."

You get back to hers and she gets out but you don't. She comes round to your side and opens the door helping you out.

Tammy - "Hey come on hunny let's get you to bed for some rest."

You're still silent but let her get you up and take you inside. She puts you in her bed and gets in too hugging you.

You start crying and that's when she knows you're not just tired.

Tammy - "Hey hey hunny what's up?"

You shake your head and she holds you tight.

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