The movie

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Part 5

Y/n - "What? What's up?"

Lou - "Last night. You going downstairs in the night. Was that because of me? Because I don't want to be the reason you're loosing sleep or anything...and it's been stressing me out."

You try to speak but she carries on before you get a chance to.

Lou - "That's why I was checking you were asleep and stuff...and then you woke up and I was still checking up on you so then I looked creepy...and I didn't mean to. You just looked so peaceful and honestly beautiful but-"

You smile, grab her face and kiss her.
She grabs your shoulders and pulls away and looks at you to make sure and then smiles and grabs you're face, pulling you back in.
You eventually stop kissing and sit there holding hands with your head on her shoulder.

Lou - "You know noones here now right?...
Like rose has gone to her office and she's sewing so she'll be gone hours and the others aren't back til 7 so we've got a few hours we could-"

You smile and sit on her lap facing her and kiss her. She licks her lips and takes your hand and you go upstairs to her room.
You're making out at the door and you make it to the bed where lou pushes you down and you keep kissing with her on top of you. Her hands are all over you and then you freak out and stop and push lou away.

She's shocked and confused and asks
Lou - "woah what's wrong?"

You just get up and sit in a ball on lous bed saying nothing shaking your head.
She crawls over and hugs you and you just sit there for a while as she strokes your hair.

Lou - "Y/n? Y/n baby are you ready to speak yet or do you need more time?"

You take a deep breath, wipe your eyes and start to talk.
Y/n - "I don't know what I'm doing..."

Lou - "W... what do you mean baby?"

Y/n - "Like I don't know what I'm doing... I've never done this before and I don't want to do it wrong."

Lou - "Oh baby come here"
She hugs you.
You look at her in the eyes and she wipes away a tear going down your face.
Y/n - "look okay...
Lou looks at you listening but you get into a state.
"I'm worried I won't be good at it...or not make you feel good, or not be energetic enough, or even do too much, like what do I even do and now I feel like I've let you down and I-"

Lou - "Woah woah woah woah woah there baby calm down it's okay"
Shes stroking your hair.
Lou - "You don't have to do anything you don't want to. We were just kissing okay... You didn't consent to anything more so it would never happen unless I knew you were okay with it...and you don't need to worry about it offending me or anything baby okay."
She comforts you more in silence and then carries on.

Lou - "I was like you too once and it was scary as shit. I didn't know where to be, what to do, what to say...nothing. Y/n you don't have to do anything until you feel ready okay. It's up to you hunny no one else okay."

Y/n- "Okay, thank you." You say calmer.
Lou - "Right now do you want to get some snacks from the kitchen and watch a movie or something up here?"
Y/n - "Uhh yeah okay that sounds fun you go get the snacks I'll pick the movie."
She smiles and kisses your head before leaving the room to go downstairs.

You open up the laptop and once she's gone you cover your face with your hands, get into a ball and take deep breaths.

Once you hear her coming back you quickly go onto the movies page and start to look for something to watch. As she walks back with snacks you blurt out...
Y/n - "What kind of movies do you like?"

Lou - "Umm anything really... Why do you have a preference?"

You look at her pouting your lips and you rolls her eyes smiling and she says
Lou - "It's romcom isn't it..."

You answer through gritted teeth.
Y/n - "Maybe...ah look why is that so bad? Lou seriously like have you even seen one?"

Lou - "I mean yeah of course I have but their all the same."

Y/n - "Fine you pick the movie whatever you want to watch."
Lou - "Really ?"
Y/n - "Yeah sure I'll try something new."

She searches and finds the movie and presses play while you both get comfy in the covers to keep warm and she hands you some snacks. You start off apart but as soon as the movie starts and you realise it's horror you're both hugging soon enough.

During the movie lou is stroking your legs and neck and ear and you start to get more interested in Lou than the movie. You of course try to psych yourself up and remind yourself that you are in a safe place. Lou wouldn't make you do anything you didn't want to and then you grab her face and kiss her.

She is shocked and grabs yours and you're gone.
She's kisses down your neck and body and begins to take off your top.
She asks if your comfortable to take your bra off and then takes it off kissing your breasts.

She makes her way down slowly. Lou asks you you several times if you feel safe and if it's okay as she does more to you and you say yes everytime.

Soon enough your legs are shaking and you bite your lips trying not be loud and it's over. She smiles and starts to crawl towards your face. Kissing your body as she comes back up to you and gives you one last kiss before lying next to you panting for air.

You lie there for a second and turn to her.
Y/n - "Lou?"
Lou - "Yes my love?"
Y/n - "thank you for everything..."
she smiles and hugs you stroking your hair.

You realise her clock says it's half 6 and others will be back soon.
Y/n - "Ahh I'm all sweaty I'm gonna go shower real quick."
Before you can full get out of Lous bed she pulls you back by your arm looking slightly serious.

Lou - "Wait a second... I - I wanna say to you that that was amazing...and you had nothing to be worried about! Of course your fear was totally valid but you were very much amazing so no need to worry ever okay."
She's smiling and you want to but your still worried.
Y/n - Are you sure ?...

She looks at you slightly concerned.

Y/n - "You see I wanted have a go at pleasing you...but I just felt like I don't know enough to do anything amazing and I didn't know how to give you what you gave me and-"

Lou stops you standing up with you and grabbing your face.
Lou - "BABY! Baby! Please don't ever think you owe me anything okay... I enjoyed giving it to you as much as you did taking it. It's doesn't always have to be us both okay..."

You look at her confused slightly how pleasing you made her feel equally as good. Lou noticed and tried to explain.
Lou - "Okay listen to me... When you do these things and you can tell the other person is enjoying it... sometimes that's all you need to be satisfied now and then. It doesn't have to be reciprocated. You have to just chat to your partner more and figure out what you like and stuff. You couldn't have known what I like so don't worry yourself too much okay..."

She kisses your forehead and you smile. Your head is down so she can't see you stringing together something to say.

Y/n - "Thank you... thank you for being so calm and not giving up and-"
She quickly grabs your face to face her.

Lou - "Y/n you were amazing okay. Any decent human being would do what I did okay because forcing anyone or getting distressed over someone is just gross okay. Now promise me that if anyone has or ever will make you feel like you have no choice or like you're inferior, that you will let me know about it okay?"
Y/n - "I will."
She kisses your head again and you go shower.

Hey gorgeous people I hope you like this part.

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