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Part 2

As you run inside Tammy hears the door shut behind you and then sees you running. She gets up and tells the girls she will be back in a second.
You sit in the toilet freaking out trying to catch your breath and then the door opens.

Tammy - "Y/n hunny are you alright?"
You're slightly shocked she was worried as you thought she had a problem with you.

Meanwhile outside Debbie realises it's about Lou and watches her come back in with a look on her face.
But as soon as Lou sees everyone she smiles and acts like nothing happened so Debbie is confused.

Tammy knocks on the door again.
Tammy - "Y/n seriously are you okay? I'm getting worried!"

You snap back into reality from your thoughts and say.
Y/n - "Oh i'm sorry Tam! I'm fine honest, I just needed the bathroom."

But Tammy isn't having it.
Tammy - "Y/n listen to me now okay... you're 100% telling me that your fine and I can stop worrying yeah?...Because if you're not fine and I leave, how am I supposed to help you?"

You think for a second and say

Y/n - "Tammy seriously Im okay. I just thought i got your period and was worried i would get it on my clothes so i ran. You have nothing to worry about I promise."

Tammy takes a deep breath and says
Tammy - "Okay but I'm here if you need me."

She leaves and you try to calm down yourself down. Lou watches Tammy come back through the corner of her eye.
Rose - "is she okay?"

Tammy - "yeah she's okay."

Lou takes a slightly deeper breath knowing that you are okay. She's about to go check up on you butTammy ensures everyone leaves you alone for a bit and gives you some space; so she stays put.
Everyone starts saying they are tired and it's so late, so everyone goes to bed.

You hear silence outside the bathroom and quickly leave the room finally, grabbing some water before you go upstairs. As you're going up, Debbie sees you as she walks into her room and gives you a concerned smile and you smile back to let her know you're okay and go to bed.
She's was probably about to message Lou to say I seem okay as there's no doubt she didn't see Lou come from outside after me...

It's the next day and everyone is in the main room of Lou's apartment eating lunch. Debbie gathers everyone around to say something.

Debbie - "hey guys I really enjoyed last night and i hope you all did too..."
You notice out the corner of your eye that Tammy is staring at you but you ignore her. Nodding and smiling at whatever Debbie is saying.

After Debbie stops talking, Constance, Nine and Debbie are watching funny videos. While Rose is talking to Amita about her dress shes designing. You're sat alone to the side on your phone and you notice Tammy coming towards you but Lou pulls her aside. You get even more concerned as to what Lou is telling Tammy but you try to ignore it and start to talk to debbie.

She hugs you and says
Debbie - "Ah come here I'm so proud of you for your work on the job! So what have you got in store for the future then?"

Y/n - "Umm honestly Deb I have no idea."
She smiles and says
Debbie - "Me neither but isn't that the best kind of future."
You look at her smiling and say
Y/n - "I guess so yeah" and you laugh.

Then Lou comes over and you become quiet as she messes around with Debbie talking about an old friend. Debbie then says she'll be back in a second, she needs to speak to nine and you're left there with Lou.

You both sit in silence with a gap between you and then she turns around.

Lou - "Listen okay can we talk?"

Here is part 2 beautiful people I hope you enjoy! :)

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