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Part 22

You eventually open the door and Lou runs in hugging you.

Y/n - "Lou Im so sorry I-"

Lou - "It's okay honey I think you're both just a bit too drunk that's all. Don't worry yourself too much come on."

She helps you up as tears still fall down your face.
Y/n - "Wait so you don't hate me and want me to go die in a ditch somewhere?"

She laughs slightly at how serious you looked while saying such a silly sentence.

Lou - "It's okay baby come on let's go home."

You smile and leave the toilets. Debbie is outside with Tammy who as you both walk outside is throwing up in a bin close by.

You make a face as you hate sick noises and Lou laughs hugging you covering your ears like a child keeping you warm in her jacket.

You eventually walk home as it's not too far and Lou carries you upstairs laying you on the bed. She undresses you putting one of her oversized t-shirts over you and your not drunk enough anymore to not notice it's hers and smile smelling it.

She gives you a funny look and you smile at her looking lovingly into her eyes.

Y/n - "It smells like you baby. It's smells like home."

You watch her heart melt at you and she throws her stuff off fast getting into bed with you to hug your adorableness.

You end up falling asleep and Lou gets up to actually get ready for bed. She then goes to get you some water from downstairs where she meets Debbie doing the same for Tammy. She then heads back upstairs and puts her arm around you using her hand to push the hair out of your face.

She smiles kissing your face and whispering good night. You end up moving closer to her in your sleep and she's shocked slightly that she may have woke you up but you stay asleep and she gets comfy with you.

It's the next morning and you wake up early. You feel like shit and your head hurts so you down the water Lou must have got for you and head downstairs slowly for more while holding your head.

As you head down you see Tammy on the sofa looking like shit.

Y/n - "hungover?"

She nods looking sad and you laugh slightly hugging her.

You get both of you some more water and sit with her for a bit.

Hey angels.
At this point the cute stuff Lou does for y/n in this is making me really want a girlfriend it's sad 😫!

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