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Part 23

Why is it when you get drunk you wake up so early the next day. Like you feel like you should be in bed for the next few days but once your body is up you're wide awake. It's hungry and thirsty and no longer tired. No matter the time.

You end up making you and Tammy some cereal before checking your phone. But you realise you picked up Lous phone my mistake.

As you look at the time you notice a text from Debbie stating.

I had a good time last night. All on for tonight then ;)

What does that mean? What's tonight?

Tammy is looking at you confused why you just changed mood very quickly but you just joke it off and say you're just going to the toilet.

You walk back upstairs to Lou's room and luckily she's still asleep so you place her phone back and take yours before going to the toilet.

As you leave Lou has woken up and she looks worried incase you just threw up.

Y/n - "Oh hi honey. Don't worry I'm not that ill I'm good. Im just trying to look after Tammy haha see you in a bit."

You wink at her and go back downstairs to make a coffee and rejoin Tammy.

Lou gets up and fully changed into one of her suits so you know she's going out somewhere. She comes down and kisses your neck before saying.

Lou - "I'll see you soon baby just checking up on work."

You smile and she leaves. Then Debbie comes down also dressed saying she's going to meet an old friend.

This then leaves you and Tammy to lounge around all day feeling sick. You put a movie on for her and she ends up falling asleep. You put a blanket over her body and kiss her forehead before going back upstairs. Taking a shower to make yourself feel a bit better about yourself.

As you have not got much to do you end up getting dressed into a cute loungewear set and doing your hair and makeup cute too. You then head  back downstairs to join Tammy again now feeling slightly better than you did before.

As for Tammy, she is awake now but not looking the best still.

Y/n - "Okay Tam are you hungry hunny do you need anything?"

She shakes her head and you go over to hug her as she still looks so down. She says she has a headache so you turn the lights as low as you can and join her hugging her head as she closes her eyes again.

You also end up falling asleep and you're woken by Lou's voice saying your name and Debbie on the phone to someone sounding exited.

Hey angels I hope you're enjoying to story so far!

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