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Part 38

It's been a few weeks now and you've spoken to Debbie who's been over most of the time and you're both more than civil now. You can see she cares for you and she's been doing anything and everything she can to make sure you're okay. Even bringing you hot drinks and baking you cookies and stuff.

However the bad part about today is that it's Tuesday. They called Debbie to say Lou is stable and can be picked up after her counselling session. She made sure she asked about her seeing you and they said that she says she's ready and the councillor thinks it's good for her too but they need to watch you both.

Debbie leaves Tammys house to pick her up. Lou got changed before she came out to look and feel more like herself and was talkative as they started driving but soon enough got silent on the journey as she knew Debbie was taking her to see y/n. They pull up but Debbie wants to make sure she's okay first.

Debbie - "Hey. Look I know we haven't been that close lately anymore and I know you know I know you still love her. I just want you to know that it's okay and I know now that what's best is for me step away and let you two at least talk to each other. So Tammy is outside with y/n in her garden and you can walk in with me or alone whichever you feel most comfortable with. I've spoken to y/n and we are more than civil and so me walking in with you to her means nothing more than platonic okay."

She nods and let's Debbie take her inside.

You can hear Lous shoes on the ground and know she's about to walk in. Your heart is beating so fast and Tammy has her arm around you trying to keep you calm. But then you see her.

You're so overwhelmed as you both lock teary eyes and you run over to her and hug her so tight. You both cry and Tammy and Debbie leave you both heading inside to supervise through the window.

You eventually pull away and grab her face.

Y/n - "You look so beautiful!"

She smiles and grabs yours looking into your eyes.

Lou - "So do you sweetheart."

You smile as you've missed her voice so much!

You help eachother to the chairs in tammys garden and sit down holding each others hands and looking down at them. She rubs your hand and you get the feeling you used to get but so much stronger.

Y/n - "Look I'm sorry..."

Hey angels as I've been writing I realised this is a small part so I've uploaded the next part too :)
I hope that's okay <3

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