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Part 16

Y/n - "What?"

Tammy - "Why ask me about her?...Oh come on y/n I know you. Your heads all over the place."

You stay silent.

Tammy - "Come on sweetheart please. You've already panicked once . What about when it happens again? And you know it will if you don't tell someone what's wrong. You can't stay in your head forever y/n it's-"

Y/n - "Are Lou and Debbie a thing?"

Tammy - "What?"

Y/n - "Are they?"

Tammy - "No what are you talking about?"

Y/n - "Come on just admit it. You're their closest friend here. You've known them for the longest so surely you would know? Come on Tammy tell me the truth! PLEASE JUST TELL ME THE TRUTH BEFORE I GO INSANE!"

She grabs you and holds you tight as you cry. She holds onto your head tightly shushing you like a child.

Once you're calm she answers you holding your head to face her.

Tammy - "Right now listen to me. Lou and Debbie have nothing. Lou and Debbie are nothing. They are just friends. You're Lou's girlfriend for fuck sake! She loves you. Okay?"

You rarely hear Tammy speak like this and the use of a swear word with her parenting friendly language she's developed meaning she's definitely telling you the truth.

You smile with your red inflamed eyes staring into hers and she kisses your head and hugs you.

You head downstairs and you're both hungry so Tammy teaches you her favourite chicken fajita recipe.

You're laughing and messing around until Lou and Debbie come back laughing too. Your face goes down but Tammy puts her arm around you squeezing your side and you know she's reassuring you that it's okay. You go to the cooking and start to stir it and Debbie and Lou join you both on the stools.

Debbie - "What are you both cooking then?"

Tammy - "Fajitas."

Debbie - "Oo nice."

Lou - "Yum!"

Tammy - "What about you two? Where have you been?"

Lou - "Oh we umm-"

Debbie - "We got talking with our friend for ages. We had a fun time though didn't we?"

Lou nods smiling at her and you turn around to avoid watching it and freaking yourself out again. But you get a bit too lost in your thoughts and forget what you're doing.

Then suddenly they are all distracted by you.

Hi angels thank you for the love so far!

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