What i was told.

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Part 35

Once you're calmed down she wipes away your tears and you can't hold back anymore.

Y/n - "She's..."

Tammy - "She's what Hunny? Who she?"

Y/n - "Debbie."

Tammy- "What about her?"

Y/n - "She's back."

Tammy- "What when? How do you know?"

Y/n - "She called me."

Tammy - "When?"

Y/n - "Today. At work."

Tammy - "And..."

Y/n - "She was outside so we got into your car and talked for a bit."

Tammy - "What?"

Y/n - "She apologised and then..."

You start to tear up again but she wants and knows you can keep going.

Tammy - "No No hunny please..."

You take a deep breath and continue.

Y/n - "She said that Lou isn't doing well."

Tammy - "What?!"

Y/n - "She said they were fine but the honeymoon phase wore off and she became distant. She stayed in her room for ages and a few weeks ago started harming herself."

Tammy - "What! No don't say..."

Y/n - "No she's fine but she almost did and now she's in a psych ward for a few weeks until they deem her stable enough to leave."

You start crying again and she hugs you tight.

Tammy - "Honey I'm so sorry."

Y/n - "It's not that Tammy it's me who did it!"

Tammy - "What no you didn't!"

Y/n - "But I did."

Tammy - "What are you talking about?"

Y/n - "A few weeks ago after she wouldn't let me talk on the phone again I wrote her a letter to let her know I was okay."

Tammys shocked but listening.

Y/n - "I didn't get a reply obviously but Debbie says that's when she started harming herself... I did if Tammy! I hurt her!"

You go to leave but she pulls you back hugging you as you cry.

Tammy - "You did nothing! You didn't know hunny you didn't know!"

You eventually calm down and ask to stay in her bed and so Tammy leaves and comes back with some food. You eat what you can which isn't much as you feel so physically sick by the news and end up falling asleep crying. Tammy comes in and gets you dressed into comfier clothes which wakes you up slightly but she joins you once she's done and you snuggle up to her.

In the morning Tammy hears knocks at the door...

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