The start

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This is a continuation of the story but if you prefer the ending before this then by all means stop there. :)

Part 13

5 months later.
You and Lou are the happiest. You've been helping her at her club and got very good at making the drinks and stuff.

You're at Lou's apartment and Debbie and Tammy are round for a few weeks.
You're sat with Tammy chatting and Lou is still at the club working. Debbie comes in and sits down with you, giving you both a coffee.

Debbie - "Okay so what are you two up to then?"

Y/n - "Oh we were just talking about kids and how annoying they are."

Debbie - "Ah."

Tammy nudges you.
Tammy - "No we weren't. We were talking about my son wanting a bike for his birthday so I sent one from my warehouse. He rode it in my house after I told him not to and crashed it so I've gotta pay for the damage to be fixed."

Y/n - "See annoying!"

You all laugh.

Debbie - "So you and Lou seem happy. How's the sex life goin?"

Tammy - "Debbie! You can't ask that-"

You interrupt her seeking an opportunity to annoy Debbie and make Tammy uncomfortable.
Y/n - "Oh the sex? Yeah it's amazing! The skills Lou has is breathtaking. Literally."

Her eyes widen and you both laugh while Tammy sits there rolling her eyes trying not to smile.

Then Debbies phone goes off on the table and you can see it's Lou but think nothing of it.

Debbie reads the message and smiles.

Why is she smiling like that? What did Lou send?

She messages back and puts the phone down to carry on a conversation with you both but you're deep in thought staring at the table.

Debbie - "Y/n? Y/n? Oi what's up with you?"

You're still not listening as your brain strings together all of the possible things that Lou could have said to make her smile. You knew that they were close and that was your major flaw in your mind before you guys started getting together.

You're liked Lou ever since you met her and your feelings towards her had only grown and grown since. You know that Lou is your girlfriend and that she loves you but it doesn't mean that Lous remarks to Debbie and their looks went unnoticed by you.

You finally got out of your trance by Tammy shaking you. You run your hands through your hair catching your breath.

Debbie - "Hey are you okay?"
You look up unable to think and Tammy notices you're breathing changing.

Tammy - "It's okay you don't have to say anything if you don't want to. Do you need to go outside hunny?"

You nod and she takes you outside. Debbie follows and you sit on a bench in Tammy's arms and she talks to you calming you down.

You eventually do calm down and they start to ask questions.

Debbie - "Do you know why that happened hunny?"

You look up and shake your head.
You know deep down why but you brush it off because it's probably nothing and Lou loves you.

Then Lou comes out looking confused why everyone's outside.

Lou - "Hey guys why are you all outsi-"

She looks at Debbie and then at you in Tammy's arms and rushes over.

Lou - "Oh sweetheart are you okay what happened?"

Y/n - "Im fine honest."

Lou - "Are you sure? Ahh come here."

She takes you in her arms and Tammy smiles at Lou before leaving with Debbie.

You sit in silence and then Lou can't stand the silence anymore.

Lou - "Baby come on what's wrong?"

Y/n - "Nothing honestly I don't know."

She looks at you still concerned and hugs you tightly. She kisses your head and you both go back inside.

Hey angels I've finally figured out a way to continue the story so I hope you enjoy it as it unfolds. :)

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