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^^^Mangekyō Sharingan^^^

Name: Naomi

Last name: Uchiha

Age: 5

Gender: Female

Clan: Uchiha

Chakra styles:(in order of best to worst)

Enemies: Orochimaru, Sakura, Kabuto

Rank: Unknown

Village: Hidden leaf

Looks: She has dark raven hair that is almost down to her knees and onyx eyes, you know, the usual Uchiha look. She is not very tall since she is 5. She has slightly tanned skin and a slim body.

Siblings: Itachi Uchiha 17 (older brother), Sasuke Uchiha 12 (older brother)

Parents:Fugaku Uchiha (father), Mikoto Uchiha (mother)

1. She got the Mangekyō Sharingan when she was a month old due to being in the middle of a massacre and hearing the screams and cries of her clan members.

2. She does not hate her brother for what he has done.

3. She has a temper.

Kekkei genkai: Sharinagn, Mangekyō Sharingan, more to come.

Personality: Naomi is kind of like Zetsu, but isn't half black half white. She can be nice and sweet one second, then cruel and merciless the next, then nice and sweet again. She has a short temper that is set off easily. She is normally calm but when you get her angry you better watch out.

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