Chapter 24 - Tailed Beast Talk

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Kurama's POV

Naruto started to summon up my chakra which caused the chakra of Kiyara to over power Naomi.

"Ahh, Kurama, I haven't seen you in a long time. Tell me, how's it been?" Kiyara asked in that smart ass tone of hers with a famous smirk.

"K-Kiyara, y-yes it had been a l-long time" I said stuttering a bit.

"I remember the last time we met, do you Kurama?" Kiyara asked with the same smirk. Last time we met wasn't a very good memory and it is the reason all of us other tailed beasts are afraid of Kiyara.

It was long, long ago as in the time of the Sage of the Six Paths when there was a massive battle before the time of all the hidden villages. This battle consisted of the one tail to nine tails against the ten tailed tiger. We all thought we stood a chance against Kiyara if we worked together, but boy were we wrong. She demolished us and no one ever saw her again until now. Up until now I was though of as the most powerful and ruthless tailed beast because everyone thought that the ten tailed tiger was a myth. But me and all the other tailed beasts knew the truth and we thought we would never have to come face to face with her again. And now she's back and is probably going to be hungry if she's been asleep all those years.

"Y-yeah I remember" I couldn't stop stuttering in her presence and I probably looked like a big wuss.

"We wouldn't want a repeat of last time, now would we?" She said/asked with a mock frown.

"No" I muttered.

"Sorry I'm a bit hard of hearing today, what was that?"

"N-no" I said a bit louder.


"No, I would not like a repeat of last time, maam"

"That's what I thought. I, sadly, must get going but don't all of you worry, I will be back" she said and gave control back to her jinchūriki and I did the same thing.

Itachi's POV

The conversation that is happening right now even sent chills down my spine. I saw Sasuke shaking with fear as the two tailed beasts had a small face off. That perverted Sannin had also arrived and was also afraid.

"That's what I thought. I, sadly, must get going but don't all of you worry, I will be back" the Ten Tailed Tiger ,I remembered to be Kiyara, said and gave control back to Naomi. I knew that Naomi was still going to be furious and keep going with Sasuke so I quickly stepped in and hit a pressure point on her neck and she fell unconscious into my arms.

"You are still too weak Sasuke" I said and used my other hand to pin him up against the wall by is neck. I leaned in closer to his ear and whispered,

"And you know never will be." I then put him in tsukuyomi and made him relive the massacre of the clan. It really did pain me to hurt my little brother but it is all necessary.

"Lets go Kisame" I said as a gooy substance like a mouth formed around us. It absorbed Sasuke and I grabbed Naomi tighter as we began running towards a wall. I activated Amaterasu and burned a hole in the wall because normal fire would not get through this toad mouth thing. We then headed on our way back to the base.

--Back at the base--

Naomi's POV

I finally woke up and I was back at the base. I had more bandages over my eyes and I was tucked in my bed. I tried to sit up but a wave of pain went through my head.

Stay still princess, after what happened a few day ago you're going to be sore.

Now I remember what happened but I have no idea what happened after I blacked out. All I remember was getting angry at Sasuke them I fainted then when I woke back up I got knocked out again.

Ok ok. I said back. Then someone I haven't heard from in a while appeared in my room and said,

"So where are the cookies?"


A/N: Sooooo, it's been taking me a while to write these chapters but in the next few there will be some funny things happening since this important part of the story is over. Also YAY IVE ALMOST GOT 4K READS, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! So who appeared in Naomi's room this time? I think we can all guess who it is. The first person to guess right will get a shout out in the next chapter. Well tell me what u think. Bye bye. :p

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