Chapter 7 - Happy Birthday

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I was laying on my big brothers lap now on his bed.

"Naomi, why are you here and not in the village?" He asked.

"I ran away" I said bluntly.

"Why?" He said frowning.

"Because Sauske treats me like shit and has no interest in me what so ever, he even admitted that he doesn't love me!" I told him and started crying again. He stroked my hair to calm me.

"He said the only thing he cares about was his goal which is killing you, we had a massive fight about it, he got angry that I said your name and I said that your not a monster. Even me just being there. All I wanted to do was show him that I graduated and that I'm a jonin." I explained and he hugged me tight.

"I really missed you big brother! I know I was really really young, but I feel like I'd had way more memories with you" I cried.

"I missed you to little sister, I thought about you everyday and I am truly sorry for the pain I have caused you" he then kissed my forehead and stood up, still holding me.

"I want to show you something" he said and carried me some where.

When he put me down we were at a pretty waterfall under the stars where the moon light made the water sparkle. He sat down and put me on his lap and pulled out a black box tied in a red ribbon.

Itachi's POV

I've missed Naomi so much that no one could ever understand. I handed her a little black box tied in a red ribbon. Of course I remembered her birthday and I've had this present for her since the day I left, hoping I would see her again to give it to her.

"It's for you, open it" I said and she smiled. Oh, I missed her warm, kind smile, it's just like our mothers. It's the same as when she was a baby.

She opened the box and in it she found: Chakra cards with pictures of our family on them and a ring.

", Itachi I-it's beautiful!!! Where did u get it?" She asked.

"It was mothers ring, she asked me to give it to the most important person in my life so, I'm giving it to you" I explained. Right before I killed my parents my mother did say this to me and right now Naomi is the most important person in my life.

"What are these cards?" She asked.

"Put your chakra into them" I explained and she did.

"Do you remember the day when those photos were taken?" I asked her.

"Of course I do, although I was a few months old, I could never forget and I love my presents Nii San, thank you!" She said and gave me a big hug. She eventually fell asleep in my arms so I took her back to the base and put her in my bed. I kissed her on the forehead and said,

"Goodnight, Naomi". I truly did miss my little sister.


A/N: So what do you think about Itachi and Naomi's bond? Thank you to the people that are commenting and voteing and even just reading along with my story. Comment, Vote, follow.


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