Chapter 5 - Goodbye

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I had been crying in my room for around a day now. Why would Sasuke say those things about me? I was thinking about something but I wasn't sure about it. I have decided to run away and find someone who would hopefully accept me.

My bags were almost packed. When they were packed I got out a piece of paper to write a note for Sasuke, not that he would care! It said:

To Sasuke,

I am doing what you always wanted, I'm getting out of your life and not coming back since that's what you want. I know you won't care that I'm gone and you probably didn't even notice. You now have no distractions from your goal. Don't try to look for me even know you probably won't because you'll never find me. I am now a six year old girl if you didn't know, so I can take care of myself like I've been doing for the past six years. You wanted me out so this is my goodbye. Please don't let Naruto try and look for me either because I know he cares and probably will try.

I'm now out of your life forever,


From Naomi

After I finished writhing the note, I put it on his pillow. I sealed all my stuff in a scroll and put a photo of my whole family in my bag.

I jumped out my window and made my way out of the hidden leaf village. I won't be coming back here for a while. I turned around with a tear running down my face then I took off for my new destination. The problem was that I didn't quite know where this destination was but I am determined to find it.


It had been 3 days since I had been out here alone. I'm no longer in the land of fire. I was now in an unknown land and it was raining a lot. I finally came across a village. I was let inside easily. I found a dango place and got five multi-colour dango sticks. I then found an alley where I could sleep for the night because I couldn't afford a hotel if I wanted to be able to buy food. I ate one dango stick and fell asleep.


The next morning I woke up to an angelic looking lady standing in front of me. She was wearing a black cloak with red clouds on it. Akatsuki, exactly who I was looking for. She had a sympathetic look on her face because it probably looked like I had been crying. Which I had.

"What's your name sweetie?" She said.

"N-Naomi" I stuttered a bit, why do I sound so weak.

"Would you like to come with me Naomi, I can give you a place to stay?" She offered and I accepted. She picked me up and I fell asleep in her arms.

When I woke up I was in a bed in dry clothes. The room was pretty nice. I got up and went out the door. There were lots of hallways and I was already lost but this is exactly where I wanted to be. Suddenly I felt arms around my waist and I was being carried away. I had no idea where I was going so I just let the person carry me.

When we finally stopped he dropped me on the ground and I fell on my butt.

"Umm...ouch" I half yelled at the male

"Oh shut it girl, KONAN why did I find a little girl walking around???" He shouted out to the lady that carried me here who I'm guessing is Konan.

"HIDAN, don't yell and don't even think about swearing in front of Naomi!!!" She yelled back.

"Who cares, it's not like she could do any harm anyway" he said and oh that did it for me, that one statement pushes my buttons.

"Oi, you wanna fight??" I challenged standing up.

"Sure brat, follow me" he said so I followed him to some sort of training room.

"Ok, ready, set, begin" he said and we began our fight.

He came at me with some sort of scythe and swung it at me. I ducked and teleported to behind him and kicked him adding chakra to my feet. He flew back and hit the wall. He didn't really have a strategy while fighting, he just swung. That's why he'd fall to me easily.

"That's it, your dead" and right when he said that I activate my Mangekyō Sharingan and he stared right into my eyes.

"Oh shit" he cursed as I cast tsukuyomi on him.

In Naomi's Tsukuyomi world

I had him chained to a tree. He stared at me with disbelief. I summoned up two hungry looking tigers and some crows. The Tigers tore him to shreds then the crows fed of the remains and he screamed in pain.

"I'll get you, you little Uchiha bitch" he yelled as the same thing happened over and over again.

Back to real world

Hidan was now on the ground holding his head and screaming in pain. I had deactivate my Sharingan now and Hidan's screaming attracted the attention of Konan. When she came in she saw Hidan and smiled.

"What happened to him?" She asked.

"He wanted to fight me so I fought him" I said and shrugged.

"Ok, but how long will that go on for?"

"About 72 hours unless someone else is powerful enough to break it or I could stop it but I don't want to because he deserves it" I explained.

"Ok I'm fine with that so let's go talk" She said.

Me and Konan went to the lounge room and we were the only ones there.

"So where are you parents" she asked and I got a glum look on my face.

"Umm, both my parents were killed when I was a month old, I have two brothers, I don't know where one is and the other is horrible to me so that's why I left my village" I told her and she looked sad.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't of asked"
"Don't worry, it's alright" I said then someone walked in the room and said,

"Konan, why was Hidan screaming because of one of my genjustus. I had to end the jutsu with quite an effort and now he's unconscious" the all to familiar chakra source explained and I shot around quickly and began the stupid little girl act.

"How were you strong enough to stop my......jutsu........." his eyes widened as I turned around.



A/N: Well massive cliff hanger there. What do you reckon Itachi or Naomi will do? Anyway again thank you for over 450 reads, it really makes my day to see that.

See ya 👌

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