Chapter 12 - Prank

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Today I woke up to Itachi's warmth. It was really early and no one was up.

Perfect I thought to myself.

What are you planning? That really annoying voice in my head asked.

I heard that too, so what're you up to? He asked again.

I'm going to do some pranking, now piss off! I told him and he went away with a snort. Now back to my plan.


After I had finished my pranks I slid back into bed next to Itachi. But what I didn't know was that he was awake.


I woke up again at a reasonable time with a small smirk when I heard multiple yells and screams. Itachi looked at me and asked in a suspicious voice,

"What did you do?"

"Umm........things, nothing life threatening" I said innocently. He just nodded suspiciously. He got up out of bed.

I got up too and walked out with him. When we got to the lounge room we sat down. I sat real close to him because I knew what was coming.

First. Deidera came storming into the room and it was hilarious.

"Who in the world.....braided my precious HAIR" he yelled. I had to hold in my giggle to say calmly,

"I don't know why don't you ask Hidan?" And as if on que, Hidan came storming in.

"Who the f*** did this?" He said pointing to his face. There was inappropriate things drawn on his face in sparkly, purple, permanent marker. I had to try not to laugh even harder because Deidera was also going off at him.

"Did you ask Kakazu?" I asked and then Kakazu came storming in.

He looked slightly scary when he's angry.

"I just counted all of that, so who the hell threw ALL of my money on the floor?" He was furious.

"Ask Zetzu?" I suggested.

Then Zetzu came in and he looked sad.

"Someone killed all my beautiful plants!" He complained.

"Maybe Kisame knows something" I suggested again and then Kisame came into the room looking even sadder then Zetzu.

"Someone put chopped up fish and sushi all over my room with a sign saying, 'There may need to be a funeral for your family' " He sobbed. I felt slightly bad about that one.

"I bet Tobi did all of this!" I blamed on the man-child. And again, on que Tobi came running into the room screaming.

"Someone put all Tobi's candy in scary monsters mouths in Tobi's room so Tobi ran" he yelled. But that didn't matter because the rest of the Akatsuki that got pranked looked ready to kill him.

"Umm.....why are you all looking at Tobi like that?" He asked backing up slowly.

"Tobi swears Tobi didn't do anything! Tobi got pranked too!" He tried to explain but unlucky for one suspects the 6 year old girl.

Eventually, after all Tobi's pleading, they believed him. Then came the bad part. They all turned around to look at me.

"Naomi, did you do all of this?" Kakazu asked calmly, holding in his rage.

"Bye" I said and ran and they all chased after me.

I made it back to the lounge room. They were still chasing me but I was faster than them because they kept pushing each other over so I got ahead.

"Aren't you going to help me?" I asked Itachi. He shook his head and said,

"Nope, you deserve it. And you better not have pranked me!" Then went back to his book. They all appeared in the doorway so I waved and jumped onto and off the lounge, disappearing into thin air using Kamui. They all looked clueless.

I ended up materialising back in leaders office.

"Leader, you gotta help me, they're going to kill me because of a few little pranks" I pleaded and he told me to come stand next to him. Then they all came bursting through his door.

"Leader-Sama *pant* Sh-she *pant* pranked us" Deidera explained. Wow, they're really out of shape.

"Just leave her alone and stop acting like little bitches" he said and I walked out of the room to mine.

I quietly hummed a tune for a while.

When I finished, I heard clapping and looked to see Itachi standing at my door.

"That was beautiful Naomi" he complimented and sat down next to me on my bed.

"Now can you tell me about this Sharingan user?" He asked and I nodded.

"He is.........Madara Uchiha".


A/N: Hi followers, I don't really have much to say. Comment. Vote. Follow.

See ya later

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