Chapter 9 - Cookies and Sushi

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^^Lol, I made this!!!^^

When I woke up, Itachi wasn't there. I got up and made my way to the kitchen. Konan was making pancakes and had put some cookies on a plate for me.

"Konan, can I eat these cookies?" I asked being the sweet 6 year old I am.

"Of course you can, I made them for you" she said kindly. I was eating my cookies when Itachi decided to take two. I glared at him

"Don't touch my cookies" I growled and when he went to grab another one I slapped his hand. He smirked under his cloak and walked away. I turned around and yelled,

"No one is to steal my cookies, got it?" No one answered even know they were all sitting on the lounge.

"GOT IT" I yelled walking in front of everyone and they nodded their heads frantically, you know except for the emotionless ones who weren't fazed by my outburst. Itachi just smirked again.

A few minutes later Hidan walked in the room just returning from a mission. Unlucky for him, he didn't hear my threat and took one of my cookies.

"Hidan, what did you just do?" I asked smiling sweetly.

"Uhh....I took your food, got a problem with it bitch?" He asked.

"I will be back.....and don't move" I said innocently and went to get something. I came out of Itachi's room, hiding his katana behind my back.

"Hidan can I please have my cookie back" I asked nicely holding out one hand and he returned with a rude remark.

"No way in hell" he laughed.

"Well I hope you have fun with your cookies there" I muttered and swung the katana at his neck, effectively cutting his head off.

"You b***h, I just got my head sewn back on!" he yelled growling at me. I grabbed my cookies back and said while eating them

"Well you shouldn't take my food......ever again, and why didn't you die, like seriously......I just cut your head off?" I asked.

"He's immortal" a guy with a weird thing on his face said.

You see, I don't know all the members yet. I only know Itachi, Konan, Pein and Hidan because I was warned about him. A lot of the members looked quite amused.

"So what your saying is.......that you didn't know I was immortal?" Hidan questioned.

"Yep" I said popping the 'p'.

"So if I wasn't immortal, you would have f*****g killed me?"

"Basically" I answered bluntly.

"Kakazu, hurry up and sew my head back on so I can kick her ass" he threatened but I wasn't scared.

"You won't lay a finger on her," Itachi interrupted,

"Got it?" he asked harshly yet emotionlessly activating his Sharingan and Hidan nodded his head frantically. The guy, whose name I guessed was Kakazu, carried away Hidans head while his body just walked away. Talk about creepy!

"Hey Naomi, you never got introduced to everyone did you?" Konan asked and I nodded and sat on Itachi's lap.

"Ok, everyone introduce yourselves" she ordered.

"I'm Kisame" a fish look-a-like said.

"Are you a fishy?" I asked, my 6 year old side coming out.

"No, I'm more of a shark" he defended.

"Well you look like a fishy" I said.

"Well I'm not a fishy, I'm a shark" he was getting annoyed, hehehe.

"You look more like a fishy to me" I stated and he got angry.

"Listen here squirt, I'm a shark, not a little fishy, got it?" he asked annoyed and I looked up at Itachi.

"Can I call him sushi?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yay, next" I ordered.


A/N: Hello, sorry about late updating. My wifi has been stuffing up. Not much changed in her profile but it's still different. Also I can't wait till this story gets 1000 reads. Its almost there so please recommend this to your friends and followers. Comment, Vote, Follow.

Bye bye

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