Chapter 20 - True Power

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I woke up a little later with some medic nins and the Hokage surrounding me. 

"W-what's going on?" I asked shakily then felt a jolt of pain go through my body. I clutched my neck. 

"We just found you here, and you seem to have a curse mark" the Hokage explained. I cursed silently.

"Damn, that stupid snake-pedophile" and I stood up. 

"Well where to next?" I asked like nothing had happened and they all looked at each other with worry. 

"Umm.....there's going to be a preliminary exam" the Hokage explained as we started walking.

We ended up in a big hall where teams were entering from different doors as well. I went and stood with the teams. Once all the teams that passed had entered, it was explained that there would be a preliminary round to lower the number of compeditors. 

"If you wish to pull out, raise your hand now" the proctor said.







I raised my hand.

I got a few shocked looks and a few disappointed looks, and an annoyed one from Kabuto. He also shortly after raised his hand. 

"Okay, those who have raised their hands may leave the arena" The proctor said and I walked out with some others, including that snakes associate. I needed to get to my hotel fast.

I finally got there and went straight to the bathroom. I vomited in the toilet and saw more specks of bright crimson blood. I've been holding that in ever since I woke up. My ears began ringing and everything got blurry, I gripped the toilet bowl to gain balance. 

"My my, what do we have here?" A voice spoke.

"Go away Kabuto" I said but he didn't leave. 

"Well, I think we have a poor defenceless Uchiha, don't you Naomi" Kabuto taunted. 

"Just piss off Kabuto!" I began to get angry as the pain got stronger. 

"But why would I do that if I could take you right now?" I let go of my transformation and showed my Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. 

"Amaterasu" I said as the black flames just caught Kabuto's arm. He screamed and tried put them out. 

"Sorry Kabuto, but they are basically the flames from hell, inextinguishable, they will devour anything in their path, I control them, they will kill you off slowly, I will show you the true power of an Uchiha" I began and felt my eyes change again as the fire got ten times more hotter and Kabuto screamed.

Shisui then appeared. 

Why? I have no idea.

How? Again, no idea. 

"Please stop it Naomi, is this what Sasuke would want you to be doing?" He tried to reason with me. 

"Sasuke couldn't care less!" I half shouted as a wave of purple chakra hit him and made him fly back and he hit the wall. 

"I may as well make his death as painful as I can for what he has done" I spat and looked him in the eyes. He fell into my Tsukuyomi where I tortured him to no end as the black fire slowly ate him away in the real world. 

"I hope you have a nice afterlife in........" I started but got cut of,

"Stop it Naomi" a stern voice called. The black flames imedietly disappeared and the Tsukuyomi was broken. I turned to see Itachi with his Mangekyō Sharingan activated with blood running down one of his eyes and a worried/half angry look on his face. I turned to look at a beaten up Shisui who also had his Mangekyō Sharingan activated. I looked into his eyes and felt mine go back to their normal Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. (I'm just going to say that when I say her normal eyes, it means her Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan) I felt my legs give out but I was caught by someone. 

"T-thanks Shisui" I said as I fell into unconsciousness.

Itachi's POV

I stared at my little sister laying motionlessly in my best friends arms. 

"Its been a long time, old friend" I said to Shisui. 

"Who are you calling old, you look 50" he said and I had to smirk. 

"You still have the same humour, don't you?" I watched as he drew circles on Naomi's forehead. 

"Yeah, I guess so, and I still look the same I'm guessing?" 

"Yes, you look the same age as Naomi, it seems you're not your original age" I explained. 

"Lets go back to your hotel room, shall we?" He asked. 

"We shall" and with that we headed to the hotel room me, Kisame and Naomi are staying in.

Unknown location

Third POV

Kakashi stood in a defensive position in front of a passed out Sasuke. 

"My my haven't you grown Kakashi" Orochimaru said. 

"What do you want Orochimaru?" Kakashi questioned. 

"I just want the boy, I've sent someone else to get his dear sister" 

"Well you won't have him or her" Kakashi said activating chidori. 

"We shall see about that. Until next time Kakashi" Orochimaru disappeared.

Orochimaru's POV (×o×)

After my little visit to Sasuke, I thought I'd visit his dear little sister Naomi.

When I entered through the window, it was not what I expected to see. Kabuto was unconscious on the floor and one of his arms was extremely badly burned. There was no other chakra signatures in the room. She must have done quite a number on Kabuto. I put him over my shoulder and teleported back to one of my close hide outs.


A/N: Hi guys, I was having a lot of trouble writing this part of the story, but I have to. Sorry if there are any late updates. (^_^)

Bye bye

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