Chapter 1 - The Academy

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Naomi's POV

I woke up early this morning because I wanted to ask the Hokage something. I did my morning routine such as having breakfast, brushing my teeth, getting dressed, blah blah blah. I guess Sasuke had already left to go and train or something. Wait.....he didn't even say goodbye, sigh. Anyway, I left the house and ran to the Hokage's office trying to avoid my fan boys along the way.

I got to the door and ran in.

"Good morning Mr Hokage, are you having a nice morning?" I asked, he raised an eyebrow and said,

"Good morning Princess and yes, so far....." he answered in a suspicious tone.

"Well that's good" I said and just stood there rocking back and forth on my heels whistling.

"Ok, spit it out, what have you done or what do you want?" He said.

"I haven't done anything.......yet" I murmured the 'yet' part,

"But....I would like to ask you something?" I finished.

"What is it?"

"Ummmm... I would like to...join the academy?" I asked.

"Why would you want to do that? You have so much longer to be a child" He questioned.

"Because I get bored, and I wanna prove to Sasuke that I can actually do something and not be a waste of space my whole life" I said dramatically.

"No" he said after pondering it.




"No", this is where I use my puppy dog eyes.


"Wow, you really want to join the academy but!" He finished and I knew there was no point arguing.

"Ok then, bye" I said and walked out of his office going straight to my next destination.

'Oh no, she is going to do something bad', the Hokage thought. As I was about to leave I smirked my most trusty smirk, I was turned away so he couldn't see me.

"You're going to the academy aren't you Naomi?" He called after me.

"Yep" I said and skipped out.


I was running to the academy when I bumped into Naruto.

"Hey Naomi, how you doing?" He asked.

"Hi Naru-chan, good. I'm going to the academy, bye."

"See ya" he said.

I got to the academy and looked at the clock. I only had a few minutes to get to class. I got to Iruka's door and knocked.

Iruka's POV

I heard a knock at the door then a little girl entered. I knew who she was.

"Hey Naomi what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm in your class now Iruka sensei" she said.

"Okay take a seat, I got word from the Hokage that a familiar face was coming" I told her and she grinned. When she was smaller, I often offered to watch her.

As she sat down a boy said, "Hey why is a 2 year old in our class?"

"Yeah, this is for people that are going to become a ninja, not a day care for baby's!" Another kid said as the others started laughing. I was about to say something but Naomi cut me off,

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