Chapter 28 - What!! He's a baka!

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This morning I woke up to yelling, like always. I entered the kitchen to see Deidera yelling at Tobi, seems normal but something felt off. I grabbed an apple and started walking to Itachi's room and that's when things got weird. 

"Hey Naomi.......uh........wanna come train with me?" Kisame asked nervously. Something's up. 

"Sure....." I said suspiciously.

We went to an outside training area so we could use justus. 

"Sooooo...... Do you wanna spar?" He asked and I agreed.

He got in a fighting stance while I just stood there. 

"Ready.....and go" he said and ran at me with Samehada. I wanted to try out a new jutsu I've been working on.


A 4 year old Naomi knocked on the Hokage's door. 

"Come in" he said. 

"So you wanted to see me Mr Hokage?" Young Naomi questioned. 

"Yes I want to give you something" he said reaching under his desk and pulling out a very nice looking box. He opened it and pulled out a Flying Thunder God kunai. 

"These are the Fourth Hokage's Flying Thunder God kunai. He said to me once, that when he dies, he wants them to go to someone with natural talent and someone with the Will of Fire that can use them. I believe that you are that person" he explained and I stood there shocked that I'm the child that he wants these special kunai to go to. He handed me the box and I bowed. 

"Thank you" I said and left the room.

~End Flashback~

I pulled out the special kunai and scattered them everywhere around the training area. When Kisame was about to hit me with Samehada, I used the jutsu and disappeared then reappeared in a tree a few feet behind him. He looked around and finally found me but made the mistake of looking into my eyes, except he didn't realise he had just made eye contact for that split second. I decided to use some other genjutsu's I knew. 

"Bringer of Darkness jutsu" I whispered and he fell into a world of darkness. Now I can use a quite immature jutsu I've been saving to have some fun with. I did some hand signs as Kisame helplessly stood there. 

"Water style: Burning rain" I said as it starter to rain around him. This wasn't just any rain, it was rain infused with fire nature chakra to make it hot enough to do some serious damage. 

"Oh great" Kisame said as he recognized the jutsu. It started pouring down on him and he put Samehada above his head so he wouldn't get hit, Samehada wasn't happy.

"Ahhh, Naomi that burns. Stop it......owwww" he cried. 

" wanna cool down?" I asked as a rhetorical question. 

"Water style: Great waterfall jutsu" I said as I pulled him out of the Genjutsu. 

"Oh shit" he said as he looked up. The water came pouring down on him. He used the 'Breathing Underwater technique' as I stood on the water which had effectively flooded the area. As he resurfaced I started making more hand signs. I put my hand in front of me as the jutsu began to form. 

"Chidori" I said sticking it into the water and quickly using the Flying Thunder God to get into a tree. The electric current quickly spread throughout the water, sending shocks into Kisame. After all the water evaporated with the help with a quick fire jutsu, I found Kisame lying on the floor. 

"So, shall we do that again sometime?" I said slowly making the hand signs for that immature jutsu of mine. This is going to be hilarious. 

"You might wanna run fast after I use this" I advised as lightning formed in my hand with a giggle. 

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