Chapter 27 - Beach Time....Kinda

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The next morning I woke up to see Konan standing over me with a big grin on her face.

"What's with the big grin?" I asked sitting up. She then pulled out a hot pink and black zig-zag bikini (pic up the top) and matching board shorts from behind her back and said,

"Well....Kisame had the idea that we go to the beach, but, there is no beaches around here so we are going to the lake that's close by and no one uses it expected the Akatsuki"

"Ok I'm guessing I have no choice in if I go or not so just give me the bikini" I said standing up.

"Yep" Konan said popping the 'p'. She left and I got changed into the bikini. It did actually look pretty good on me. I just put on a black sun dress over the top and exited my room.

When I walked into the lounge room, Hidan wolf whistled at me so I flicked the bird at him and Itachi activated his Sharingan and glared at him.

"Well......lets go!" I said, after five minutes of scilence, jumping on Itachi's back.


"Finally!!" I said dramatically as we arrived at the lake wiping fake sweat from my forehead.

"What are you on got piggy backed all the way here while we carried all the stuff" Kisame said might I add quite annoyed.

"Wellllll, who's fault is that?" I questioned with a smirk. He dropped all the stuff and you could see smoke coming out of his ears.

"I'm prrrretty sure that's not good for you sushi" I said innocently pointing to my ear.

"You're dead brat" he muttered and charged at me and Itachi because I was still on his back. When he was close I used the body flicker technique and appeared on Tobi's back as Kisame ran into and effectively knocked my brother over. Now they both looked pissed and Tobi looked scared.

"Uhh...please don't hurt Tobi, Tobi scared" Tobi screamed and dropped me flat on my butt.

"TOBI" I yelled at him as he hid behind Leader.

This went on for a while and almost everyone was angry at me for some reason. The only ones who weren't were Leader, Konan and Tobi, who was crying because I yelled at him.

I put all of them in a genjutsu one by one, except Itachi. (Remember her Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan is always activated) This is what each of the genjutsu's were about:

Kisame: He was at a fish market watching all the fish get cut up and cooked. Then the fishermen came after him.

Tobi: It started off in a world of rainbows, unicorns and lollies. Then everything turned evil and the unicorns chased him.

Hidan: He watched his precious (notice sarcasm) Lord Jashin die by his scythe.

Kakuzu: The people that he had stolen hearts from came back and ripped the hearts out of him then sold them.

Deidera: My tigers tore him to shreds again then set him on fire.

Sasori: He got kept waiting for days then got used as a puppet by someone else.

Zetzu: He got turned into a salad for Azland.

These things just kept replaying in their heads as they all lay on the ground screaming their heads off. Now to deal with Itachi.

"Heyyy.....Itachi you know I love you and it technically wasn't my fault that Kisame ran into you" I said sheepishly while I rubbed the back of my neck. He walked up to me and picked me up.

"So we good?" I asked.

"Sure" he said and dropped me in the lake. When I rose to the surface I saw that Itachi had let everyone out of the Genjutsu and let me tell you.....they most definitely did not have massive smiles on their faces. They looked like they were just about to kill me.

"What are you looking at?" I sassily said to them.

"Naomi" Itachi warned and I sighed.

"Uhh....fine. I'm sorry" I muttered getting out of the lake.

"What was that Naomi?" Kisame said mockingly. I growled.

"I'm sorry" I said louder through gritted teeth.

"That's better" Kisame said and tackled me back into the water.

"What the f**k you giant ass fish face, I just got out of the water you fish d**k" I yelled at him while glaring.

"You know Naomi, you look damn sexy when your pissed" Hidan said and jumped in too, effectively splashing me in the process. This will be a long day.

We finally got back to the base after quite a walk, and yes, I walked this time. We all ate ramen for dinner then decided to watch a movie which I get to pick.

"Lets watch...........Jaws" I said grinning evily at fish face. I put the disc in and watched as Kisame shivered in fear the whole movie.

"Ahh sweet revenge!!"


A/N: Ok, I'm so so so so so so sorry that I haven't updated in ages. I had seriously bad writers block and could not think of anything to write at all. But here's a chapter. There is only about 3 chapters left then the final chapter which will be Itachi's death 😭😭😭😭 I will probably cry writing it!!!! Then the sequel which I'm trying to make a name for.😄Anyway again I'm sorry. Have a cookie 🍪🍪🍪


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