Chapter 16 - Encounters

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The boy I haven't seen in quite a while stepped forward. I honestly didn't want to see him because of the way he treated me. He jumped down next to his team. 

"Hi Sasuke-kun, how are you? You looked so awesome!" The humanized cotton candy said. 

"Oh Sasuke, did you see what she did, how cool was that" Naruto basically yelled. Sasuke turned to me.

"Hn, who are you?" He stated. He still has that same great vocabulary (notice sarcasm). 

"It is none of you business of who I am" I spat going into my emotionless Uchiha state. I began to walk away but I was stopped when there was a tug at my skirt. 

"Excuse me, b-but could you please tell me your name, I am extremely grateful that you saved me" Konohamaru said. I crouched down to his level because I'm taller than him. I gave him a small smile and said,

"Please call me by the name Black Panther" I told him.

"Ok thank you, I'm Konohamaru, this is my team, Moegi and Udon. Over there is big brother Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke" Konohamaru explained. 

"Okay it's nice to meet you Konohamaru, I have to go now, I might see you around" I said. I ruffled his hair and walked away.

Sasuke's POV

When the girl said to call her Black Panther, I recognized the name from somewhere but I couldn't figure it out. She also looked so familiar.

"Umm, Sasuke-kun, d-do you maybe.....wanna get something to eat?" My most annoying fan girl asked. 

"No Sakura, in fact, you're worse than Naruto. Instead of following me around all day, why don't you train and get stronger so your not so useless" I suggested sternly and walked away stuffing my hands in my pockets.

Naomi's POV

It's my second day in Konoha since I got back and also the day of the first exam. I walked up the stairs to exam room 301 in my emotionless state. One problem was that, it was only the second floor. 


I walked to the front of the crowd and the guards were Izumo and Kotetsu. 

"Drop the pathetic genjutsu, it's pretty obvious" I said emotionlessly.

"Aren't you a smart one, and your the girl that I took to the Hokage yesterday. I guess that means he is letting you take the exam alone" Kotetsu explained and heard I a few gasps and walked away.

I walked up the stairs and into the hallway. I saw someone I hated with a passion. 

Kabuto Yakushi. 

"Hello there, Naomi" he said but ignored him and kept walking. 

"The silent treatment aye? Well Lord Orochimaru could fix that, and you brother is growing into a strong boy" he teased and I stopped getting ready to punch him but I heard Madara say something actually helpful, 

Calm down Naomi, or it will take over Madara said. 

What do you mean by it? I questioned clueless. 

I've said to much. 

I sighed and released my fists and kept walking. 

"He will be a fine vessel for Lord Orochimaru, don't you think, Naomi?" And that did it. I charged at him and pinned him to the wall. 

"You and your pedo snake master WILL stay away from my brother. If you want someone, leave him alone and come for me. You know I won't hesitate to kill you" I growled in a demonic voice then remembered what Madara said. I let him go and walked away but I could feel him smirking.

When I entered the exam room there were quite a few people in there. Kabuto was in there already but I couldn't see my brothers team. Then they walked in and Naruto yelled, 

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE, I'M NARUTO UZUMAKI AND I'M GONNA KICK ALL YOUR BUTTS!" Everyone stared at him including me. Then I saw that blond girl named Ino jump on Sasuke. He had an agitated look on his face and I smirked. One by one, all the rookies gathered in one group and then Kabuto approached them and I growled. I walked a bit closer and sat on a desk so I could hear. 

"If I were you, I would quiet down. See those Rain Nin, they're very sensitive so don't go around yelling things like that. By the way, I'm Kabuto Yakushi" he said trying to be nice but I saw right through his disguise. 

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki and this is Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha" Naruto introduced. 

"Nice to meet you Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke, I'm guessing your all the rookies, fresh out of the academy. Let me give you some advice from my experience." He said pulling out his information cards and I glared at the back of his head. 

"Give me any info and I can find anyone" he better not say anything about me. 

"Tell me about Rock Lee of the Leaf, Gaara of the Sand and.......a girl that calls herself the 'Black Panther'" Sasuke said. Black Panther is what Itachi, Shisui, my parents and a few other clan members used to call me when I was little because I seemed to have a connection with any type of cat. That also explains my summonings, they are all types of cats. 

"That's no fun, you already have their names. Ok, Rock Lee is from the Leaf and has done 20 D-rank and 12 C-rank missions, his Sensei is Might Gai and this is his first chunin exams but he is a year older than you. Next is Gaara of the Sand, there isn't much on this guy except, get this, he's done 8 C-rank and 2 B-rank missions and has come back without a scratch on him." Kabuto explained and now it's my turn. If he gives to much information I will kill him. 

"Next is this 'Black Panther', there also isn't much on her either, apparently she only does A-rank and S-rank missions, she's listed in the bingo book. She is originally from Konoha and has a powerful Kekkei Genkai from a well known clan. She is also only 10, but that's all I've got. There is no name on my cards" Kabuto finished but I knew there was more on his cards about me. I got up and walked past him whispering to him as I passed him, 

"Smart boy" He smirked.


A/N: Hey people, here's another chapter. What do you think about the tension between Naomi and Kabuto? Do you think Sasuke will figure it out?
How was my cliffhanger? I'm quite good at those. Naomi also talks a lot like Itachi don't you think? Haha

Bye and make sure to follow, comment, vote.

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