Chapter 10 - More Intros

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"My names Deidera, yeah" a girl with pretty hair said.

"You have nice hair Miss" I complimented and she looked a bit irritated.

"I'm a guy you idiot, un" he said annoyed.

"Have you checked lately, because you sure don't look it" I said sassily and he got up ready to attack but a guy in a puppet stopped him.

"Stop, Deidera" the puppet said.

"But..but..but......ugh" he said sitting down dramatically.

"Drama queen" I muttered so only Itachi could hear and he smirked.

"Wait-" Deidera started,

"-whats your relationship with Uchiha since your sitting on his lap and he hasn't killed you yet?" He asked.

"Because I can, do you have a problem or do you want to sit on him too" I then stood up and gestured to my brother with a smirk on my face. Deidera scowled at me and I sat back down on Itachi's lap.

"I'm not gay, for your information" he said and I chuckled.

"Next please"

"My names Sasori" the puppet said.

"Oh, your Sasori of the Red Sand, aren't you! Nice to meet you" I said being nice since I'd done my research on him and was aware that he's quite powerful.

"Ahh, so you've heard of me. Well I've head of you too......nice to meet you as well, Princess" he said.

"Please, there's no need to call me that" I said. He nodded and Deidera interrupted.

"Hey, why are your being so nice to him, un?" He complained.

"You, jealous, Dei?" I teased.

"N-no" he stuttered and I just laughed quietly to myself.

Next a guy wearing a orange swirly mask ran into the room, literally.

"Hi Naomi-chan, I'm Tobi, Tobi is a good boy and Tobi wants to be your friend" he practically yelled in my face.

"Ok, one one condition" I negotiated.

"What is it, Tobi will do it" "

"Ok......hmm.........go get me some cookies" I told him and he nodded and sprinted out of the room.

Then some plant thing came out of the ground and said,

"Hello, our name is Zetzu"

"Ok, you are just creepy.....creepier than Hidans headless, walking, body" I said then grimaced.

"You look tasty-" it said but I cut it off,

"-and you look like you would make a great salad to feed to my tigers" I smirked my oh-so-famous smirk.

"You're mean..." it complained,

"...and you should go before I turn you into said salad" I counted and he had a mocking hurt face as he disappeared into the ground again.

"Ok then" I said.

Pein then walked into the room with Konan.

"Has everyone introduced themselves?" She asked.

"Yes, except those other two from before" I told and she nodded.

"Oh, that's Hidan and Kakazu, some of us call them the zombie duo. Hidan is a Jashinist and does some ritual thing and he swears, a lot, but I'll make sure he never swears in front of you. Kakazu loves his money and trust me, if you want to keep your life, don't go near it. They are both immortal in different ways." Konan explained.

"Yeah, about that, I already found out that Hidans immortal...I kind of....sort of....chopped off his head, and that's why they aren't here right now. Because Kakazu is sewing his head back on" I explained with s sheepish grin. Pein just shook his head and went back to doing paper work. Not a minute later, Tobi came running in with a plate full of cookies.

"Tobi got your cookies Naomi-chan, will you be my friend now....please!?!" I tasted one of the cookies and replied.

"Sure Tobi, but I'm going to get some peace and quiet" and with that I got up, kissed Itachi on the cheek and went to my new room.

Third POV

Once Naomi left, Deidera freaked out.

"Why and how did she just do that......I mean, he didn't kill is she?" Deidera asked.

"She is my sister" Itachi said bluntly and walked away. Deidera's jaw dropped.

"Oh great, another Uchiha! I hate Uchiha's!" He said and just like that, Naomi appeared and pinned him to the wall, her Mangekyō activated.

"What did you just say" she said in a demonic tone.

"I said, I.Hate.Uchihas!" And as soon as he said that he was trapped in Naomi's Tsukuyomi.

"Ahhhhhh" Deidera screamed and fell to the floor in pain.

"Naomi" Itachi warned  and she walked back to her room.

Naomi's POV

Soon there was a knock at my door.

"Come in" I called and Itachi walked in and sat on my bed.

"What was that about?" He questioned.
"I'm sorry, I-I just can't control my temper, it's like and impulse" I tried to explain and it was true.

"When someone pisses me off I can't control it and Deidera was just the unlucky one that did it today" I explained. Itachi didn't say anything. He just moved closer and hugged me.

"It's alright, I'll help you control it and I'll be there for you the whole time" he assured and layed my head in his lap and I ended up falling asleep.


A/N: Hey peeps, I think this is the longest chapter I've wrote so far. Yay me!!! Anyways, who's this mysterious new person. There will be a profile for her next. Also here are your cookies SZGEEMrainBryce 🍪🍪🍪!!!


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