Chapter 25 - Fun With My Summonings

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"So where are the cookies" Sayame said.

"Yes hello to you to" I said in a sour tone and rolled my eyes, well the best you can with bandages over them.

"Tobi ate them all" I said with a low voice.

"Well someone's in a grrrrreaat mood today, isn't she?" Sayame said with just a hint of sarcasm.

"So anyway, what have you been up to lately?" She asked.

"Well let's see.......I went in the chunin exams and got bitten by snake pedo for saving my selfish brother, I broke a guys arm and burned off Kabuto's arm, found out I have a new type of Sharingan, had a big family reunion, I fainted because I got so angry at Sasuke and something big happened then when I woke up I got knocked out again, oh and guess what.......I'm the ten tailed jinchūriki" I explained all my problems to her and she just nodded.

"Well I guess you had a big week, and since there's no cookies....I'm gonna go, bye" she said and disappeared.

"Yea, thanks for your help" I said in a sarcastic voice.

"Well someone's not in a good mood are they today?" Zetzu said coming out of the ground.

"What do you want plant?" I asked.

"I'm hurt by that........but I was just checking to see if you could see yet" he said and I swear I could tell he licked his lips so I summoned up main lion, Azland, and said,

"-remember what I said about turning you into a salad and feeding you do my lions? Yeah well this is Azland and he hasn't had a good salad in a while, have you Azland?"

"No, I haven't milady, and this looks like it'll be a great healthy feed" Azland said and gave Zetzu a toothy grin.

"Touché princess, well I should be going if I can't eat you, goodbye" Zetzu said and disappeared into the ground.

"He didn't look very nice looking anyway, good day" Azland said and poofed away.


Later that day I felt the presence of Hidan in my room and I know he had bad intentions.

"So Naomi, I heard that you couldn't see, am I right? What about moving? Can you do that?" He asked.

"Yes I can, watch this" I said and summoned my tiger twins, Saber (fierce) and Flame (burning with beauty).

"Do you remember these two Hidan? I'm sure they remember you" I said and looked at my tiger twins.

"Oh I remember him, he's the guy we tore to shreds in that damned tsukuyomi world" Flame said.

"But now we can actually eat him" Saber said and they started slowly prowling up to him. Hidan backed up and bolted out the door as my tigers chased him.

It was now 12:00 at night and I couldn't sleep properly. I got up and took the bandages off my eyes and walked down the hall to my destination. I slowly opened the door to find a lamp on and my big brother reading a book.

"Why are you awake?" He asked with a pair of reading glasses sitting on his nose.

"I could ask you the same thing?" I said.

"Couldn't sleep" he replied still reading his book.

"Same" I said and walked closer to him. I layed down next to him and he looked up from his book and put his arm around me then went back to reading. I started to sing.

(Play video)

By the time I finished, Itachi was asleep so I decided I should go to sleep to. As soon as I closed my eyes I fell asleep. I knew that I'm safe as long as I'm with Itachi. I never want to leave his side.


A/N: Hey, so this is where the funny things start up again. yay. There will probably be a major time skip soon to the start of Shippuden. Then there will be Itachi's death 😢 then hopefully the sequel!!! I think the sequel will revolve around mainly the 4th great shinob war. And if your lucky there might be a third book about their lives after the war and their children. Tell me what you think about these things??? The song in this chapter is called Stand by you by Marlisa. Hope u liked it!!!

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