Chapter 21 - Kurai

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I finally woke up but didn't open my eyes. I could hear quiet sobs coming from next to me. I turned my head to see Itachi with his head in his hands and tears dropping on the floor. I felt a tear run down my face from seeing my brother like this. 

"Please stop Itachi, I hate seeing you like this" I said quietly. He turned his head to me and I saw his tear stained checks. 

"Please stop crying, you're making me cry" I said and gave him a small smile. He got up and came and hugged me.

~A few hours ago~

Itachi's POV

It's been two weeks now, two weeks that Naomi has been asleep. I was beginning to think that she wouldn't wake up. Shisui entered the room again so I decided to ask him a few questions. 

"I need to ask you a few questions" I said to him. 

"Sure, go ahead" 

"Okay, 1. How are you here?, 2. Why?, 3. What's up with Naomi's eyes?, 4. Did you actually die?"

"Alright I'm here because after I died, I became the guardian of Naomi somehow, we must have had a bond. I, appear I guess you could say, when it  takes over or she gets to angry and is endangering many lives, including her own. It is also a mystery to me about her eyes, I know that they are a type of Sharingan but none that I've ever seen. And yes I did die." Shisui finished. 

"I also have to tell you that I've been revived  by that purple chakra that struck me, I am fully healthy and alive now. If you're wondering, I actually don't have any eyes, this is just a Genjutsu" Shisui explained. 

"Do you want your eye back that you entrusted me with after you died?" I asked. 

"Yes!" I summoned my crow and Shisui took his eye. 

"Thanks, I'm going to wash Naomi's clothes" he said and left with my sisters bloody clothes. I should probably tell her about it. I'm such a terrible brother for not telling her and she might not ever wake up.

~Back to present~

Naomi's POV

I noticed that he had no shirt on and I was wearing an over-sized shirt, it must have been his. 

"Please never scare me like that again, I can't loose you, you're my baby sister" he said pulling me onto his lap. He cradled me in his arms for a while until the door to the hotel room creeked open to reveal a grinning Shisui. 

"Getting all emotional without me are you?" He said and joined in on our hug. Shisui is like a brother to me as well. 

"Do you know what is up with your eyes? They change, I've seen it 2 or 3 times now" Shisui asked. 

"I've only felt them get a bit more powerful a few times" I admitted. 

"Well I think that maybe you have unlocked a new level of Sharingan" Itachi suggested. 

"Maybe" Shisui agreed. 

"Well if so I know what I want to name it" I said. 

"And what would that be?" Itachi asked.

"Eternal Kurai Mangekyō Sharingan"


A/N: So the pic up the top is her new Sharingan. I've had this planned for a while now. And Kurai means dark. Hope u like it and sorry for the short chapter and late updates. 😄😄

Ps remember to plz vote for me in the watty awards on Naruto_Watty_Awards_ .

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