Updated profile

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^^That is Naomi now (age 6) just with longer hair^^

(This is Naomi's updated profile)

Name: Naomi

Last name: Uchiha

Age: 6

Gender: Female

Clan: Uchiha

Demon/tailed beast/special person: Madara Uchiha's spirit/soul

Chakra styles: (in order of best to worst)

Academy grad age: 5

Enemies: Orochimaru, Sakura, Kabuto

Rank: Jonin

Village: None

Looks: She has dark raven hair that is almost down to her knees and onyx eyes, you know the usual Uchiha look. She has slightly tanned skin and a slim body.

Siblings: Itachi Uchiha 17 (older brother)
Sasuke Uchiha 12 (older brother)

Parents: Fugaku Uchiha (father)
Mikoto Uchiha (mother) (both deceased)

Kekkei Genkai: Sharinagn, Mangekyō Sharingan

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