Chapter 15 - Arrival

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I FINALLY arrived at Konoha but was stopped by the guards. Before I got to them I did a minor transformation jutsu to change my new Eternal Mangekyō to my original black onyx eyes. I think I remembered the guards names....Izumo and Kotetsu.....yeah, that's them. 

"Stop, state your business" Izumo yelled. 

"I'm here for the chunin exams" I explained.

"Well where is your team?" Kotetsu asked. 

"I'm participating alone" I tried to reason. 

"Just let me see the Hokage, please?" I asked nicely and they nodded.

While Kotetsu was escorting me, I got a smart comment from my ancestor I couldn't be bothered listening to. 

Oh my were actually being nice!!! I might have a heart attack, thi-this is two much! He ranted. 

Good!  I my head of course. 

You mean! He whined, so out of character for what I thought the great Madara Uchiha would be like.

And you.....are so childish for someone who's meant to be one of the most powerful people in the world!  I countered. 

"We're here" Kotetsu said knocking on the door. 

"Enter" I heard a familiar voice say. He still sounds the same. 

We walked in and a bunch of Jonin were sitting in there. 

"Sorry to interrupt..but someone has requested to see you" Kotetsu informed while the Hokage's eyes landed on me. 

"Okay we were just about done, you are all dismissed" he said addressing everyone else. They all nodded and left the room. I recognised most of them.

Once they were all gone I spoke up. 

"Its been a while......Mr Hokage" I said using my old nickname for him. 

"Indeed, is it really you, Princess?" He asked. I walked up to him, checking that no one was ears dropping. Suddenly I wrapped my arms around him. 

"I missed you" I explained. 

"I missed you too Princess. So, what brought you back but first, what made you leave?" He double questioned. 

"It was Sasuke, he treated me like crap and I couldn't take it anymore, but I will assure you that I am with someone who will take care of me" I assured and he nodded. 

"By the way, if your wondering why I'm 10 and not 7, it's because there is this Age Changing Justu that I kinda used and added 4 years to my age" I explained sheepishly. He nodded wearily.

"But anyway I'm here to participate in the Chunin exams even know I'm already Jonin level" I explained to him and he nodded. 

"Also......can I......umm.....borrow some money.....I was wearing these when I aged and they are just a little bit tight" I asked sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck.

"Ah, your still the same old Naomi" he said. 

You got that right! 

Shut your trap

The Hokage handed me the money and said,

 "Now run along and good luck" 

"Thanks, oh and don't tell anyone who I am please" I said running out the door.

I desperately searched for clothes because the ones I was wearing were way to tight.

I ended up buying a blue singlet type top with a fish net singlet underneath, a blue cape like skirt that is open at the front, black tight pants that end above the knee (kind of like skins), black elbow protectors, black finger-less gloves (to hide my ring), black ninja sandals and a black ribbon belt to tie off the look. (The outfit is at the top). I wrapped a small amount bandages around my right thigh to put my kunai holster on. My new katana that Pein and Konan got for me as a late birthday gift was strapped on my back. I reckon I looked pretty good.

As I walked out of the shop, I heard a little boy crying so I went to have a look. When I got there, some cat guy was holding a young boy by his collar and some older kids and little kids that looked like his team were standing behind. I remember now, one of them is Naruto and the other is cotton candy girl that I hated, still do. I didn't know the younger ones except for Konohamaru. 

"Let him go, cat boy" I said darkly and he stared at me. 

"What are you gonna do about it darling?" He questioned. Pedophilic jerk, I'm 10. (Don't think that's word.

"I said, let the boy go, or else" I threatened but he didn't let the boy go. I used the body flicker justu and was now behind him and whispered,

"I warned you" then I punched him in the back and he dropped Konohamaru but I quickly caught him. 

"Kankuro, you shouldn't have done that" the girl behind him explained. 

"Damn right he shouldn't have" I growled and he tried to punch me. I ducked, grabbed his wrist and quickly had him in a small head lock. I smirked in victory considering my size.

"Kankuro" the blond called in worry. I could now sense two more chakras, one was extremely familiar but the other was foreign to me, it was the size of a jinchūriki. 

Hmm, two jinchūriki's in my presence.....aren't I lucky today. I thought to myself but I sadly got a reply, 

The other one is Shukaku of the sand. I'm sure, with me of course, you could take him. 

Thanks but I don't need help right now. The jinchūriki stepped forward and said, 

"P-please let him go" he stuttered but it went unnoticed to everyone else. He was frightened, I could sense it in his voice. I had no idea why he was frightened of a little girl he knew nothing of, he seemed like the type to be feared not frightened.

"Why should I, he shouldn't go around abusing little kids" I explained. 

"I'm sorry for my brothers actions and he will be punished later" the red head explained glaring at his brother. 

"Good" I said and let go of cat boy that they called Kankuro. 

"Lets go, Kankuro, Temari" 

"Yes Gaara" the two said and followed him away.

"Are you okay little boy" I asked Konohamaru pretending not to know him. 

"Yes, thank you Miss" he said on his knees in a dramatic sense.

"Please don't call me that, I'm not much older than you mate. And you can come out now, I can sense your chakra." Then the boy I haven't seen in a very long time stepped forward. 

He looked exactly the same.


A/N: Hey guys, do you like Naomi's new outfit? It's so hard to make a ninja outfit ⌑⌒⌑. Also when it's in bold, that's normally Madara talking in her head and the italics are Naomi's thoughts except for when she's singing. Thought I'd tell you that. What do you think about the cliffhanger? Hehe I'm a bit evil sometimes.


Who let Madara in? 😡

Anyways tell my what you think.

Bye 👋

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