Chapter 8 - Memories

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^^This is Naomi's mothers ring^^

3rd POV

Naomi was sleeping peacefully in her new bed. She hadn't slept this good in a long time. She felt safe knowing Itachi would protect her with his life.

Naomi's Dream/Flash back

Itachi's POV

It had been 5 months since we brought baby Naomi home from the hospital and I decided I should teach her how to walk or say my name. She is an Uchiha so she should be able to do it although I didn't expect her to.

I went into her room and got her out of her cot and carried her down stairs. I sat her on the carpet then sat down next to her. She stared at me with her beautiful onyx eyes like she wanted to say something but didn't know how.

"Naomi can you say Itachi, I-ta-chi" I said trying to get her to say my name.

"It-ich-a" she said with a loud giggle getting the I and A around the wrong way.

"No, I-ta-chi" I tried again but then I heard the door open and little footsteps coming in.

"Nii San, Nii San" Sasuke yelled and tackled me.

"Nii San, will you help me with the shuriken justu?" He asked.

"Sorry Sasuke, but I'm a bit busy, would you like to help" I offered gesturing to Naomi and he nodded his head.

"Hey Naomi, say Sasuke, S-as-uke" he said and Naomi tried it.

"S-ous-ki" she said and he pouted. Naomi started giggling at this and me and Sasuke smiled.

"Nii" I heard her say and I smiled even more.

"Did you hear that Sasuke, you just taught Naomi her first word" I told him and he smiled.

"Yay, I'm such an awesome big brother, aren't I Naomi" he said and she giggled and said,

"Souski, Iticha" We both smiled then mum walked in.

"I see your teaching your little sister some words. Let me try" she said and sat down in front of Naomi.

"Naomi, can you say mum, m-u-m" our mother tried and Naomi said,

"Mumma!" Mother smiled he warm smile then did the famous Uchiha smirk.

"I think she will be a great ninja when she grows up, just like her big brothers" our mother said.

"Yes she will" I agreed.

End dream/flash back

Naomi's POV

I woke up from a nice sleep and a great dream. It was really early and really cold so I decided to go and sleep with Itachi. I got to his room and snuggled in next to him. I felt his arm wrap around me and immediately I felt safe again.


A/N: Soooo......what did you think of one of her memories from when she was little? Tell me. Comment, Vote, Follow!!


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