Chapter 23 - Painful Reunion

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Itachi's POV

Naomi woke up about a week ago but is now napping in our hotel room. It was time for us to attempt to capture the nine tails.

Me and Kisame left the hotel room quietly so we didn't wake Naomi because she sure wasn't a morning person and I don't want her getting involved in this. We got the the room that the Jinchūriki was in and Kisame knocked on the door. A young boy with bright spiky blonde hair opened the door.

"Wow it's hard to believe that a squirt like this holds the nine tails" Kisame said.

"Naruto Uzumaki, why don't we take a walk" I said and stepped aside. He stepped outside the room but then I felt a familiar presence.

"It's been a long time Sasuke" I announced which caused Kisame and Naruto to turn to face my younger brother.

"Ahh, Itachi this kid looks a lot like you, but that couldn't be possible" Kisame said with a toothy grin knowing full well that Sasuke is my little brother.

"He' younger brother" I said emotionlessly.

"I hope you're prepared to die Itachi Uchiha" Sasuke said and activated his Sharingan and a chidori. Then I felt another powerful and an all to familiar presence.

"Kisame" I warned,

"Yeah, I can feel it too, this won't end well" Kisame said also feeling her chakra.

"It is like you have said brother, I have fostered my hatred all my life for you so be prepared to die on this very spot" he screamed and started running at me. When he was about to hit me I was going to grab his wrist but someone else did and deflected the chidori into the wall causing a massive hole.

"Both of you, stop it" she said.

"You were mean't to stay out of this" I told her.

"I'm not going to stay out of it if both my brothers are fighting" Naomi said and threw Sasuke at the other wall and stood in front of me.

"What are you doing Naomi, get out of the way or you're going to get hurt" Sasuke said and I felt Naomi's chakra spike as he said that.

"Still the same old arrogant Sasuke I see, but guess what, I'm not a little baby anymore, that seems to be your favourite line, 'You're going to get hurt' but are you really sure I'm going to be the one that gets hurt?" she began and looked up. I saw Sasukes eyes widen and the sight.

Naomi's POV

"Still the same old arrogant Sasuke I see, but guess what, I'm not a little baby anymore, that seems to be your favourite line, 'You're going to get hurt' but are you really sure I'm going to be the one that gets hurt?" I began and looked up. I saw Sasukes eyes widen at the sight and I smirked.

"Do you like them 'big' brother?" I mocked as the purple chakra started swirl around me. I've been working on my Kurai Sharingan (I'm just going to call it that but remember it means her Eternal Kurai Mangekyō Sharingan) and I've learned how to activate and deactivate it. Soon I'm gonna find out if it has any hidden powers or try to advance the ones I've already got.

"Just move out the way Naomi, your just going to get hurt again" Sasuke kept rambling and I'm sick of hearing it 'Oh, you're too weak', 'You're not powerful enough' or 'You're just getting in the way and your going to get hurt' I'm sick of it! He doesn't know me at all, he doesn't know anything about me, and all the pain he's put me through. He never tried to know either.

"You wouldn't know Sasuke, you never tried to understand the pain that I was going through, it was all about you and your stupid revenge" I growled at him. I felt the chakra swirling around me get stronger. I felt another chakra like mine but weaker and soon enough I was no longer in control of my body or voice.

Third POV

Naruto started to summon Kurama's chakra which caused the chakra of Kiyara to over power Naomi.

"Ahh, Kurama, I haven't seen you in a long time. Tell me, how's it been?" Kiyara asked in a smart ass tone with a smirk.

"K-Kiyara, y-yes it had been a l-long time" Kurama stuttered.

"I remember the last time we met, do you Kurama?" Kiyara asked with the same smirk.


A/N: Oooooooooo, Kurama and Kiyara meet. Again. What is their past? Anyway, sorry for the late update. I hope the kinda long chapter makes up for it and tell me do u want a profile for Kiyara? Oh and don't forget to vote for me on Naruto_Watty_Awards_ plz!!! I've only got one vote so far by SZGEEMrainBryce so thank you!!!

See ya

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