Chapter 22 - The Ten Tailed Tiger

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"Very interesting name Naomi, I love it" Shisui said and hugged me.

"Also I'm glad you woke up, I can't deal with an emotional Itachi" he said and Itachi glared at him playfully.

"Anyway.........I've got to get going, see ya" he said giving me a kiss on the cheek and disappeared.

"I need to tell you something Naomi" Itachi said being serious again.

"Sure, what is it?" I asked.

"Have you been wondering what it is?"

"Yes, everyone keeps saying that" I said.

"Well it is the..................Ten Tailed Tiger, more powerful then all other tailed beasts combined, would you like me to tell you the other half or the rumour that was passed down through the Uchiha Clan since the days of the Sage of the Six Paths?" Itachi explained.

"Yes please" I answered.

"Well you know the first part about there being an Uchiha girl born that would be the most powerful Uchiha ever. That's only half of it. She is said to be the jinchūriki of the Ten Tailed Tiger. When she is born, she would be born with the full Sharingan. She would advance faster than any other child her age and one day be more powerful than the Sage of the Six Paths himself. She would fall in love with someone who was close to her since she was born and would most probably rule over everyone and everything. This is the legend of the Ten Tails Jinchūriki. You are the girl from the legend" Itachi explained and it took some time to sink in. I was a jinchūriki. And the most powerful one too. That probably explains my summonings and my bad temper.
"Okay.......I need to sleep" I said.

"I might be out for a while" I said and layed back down.

~In dream~

I was standing on water in a dark room. I saw my reflection in the water but it didn't look exactly like me. It looked like a replica of me but with a purple streak in my hair, longer teeth, my Eternal Kurai Mangekyō Sharingan activated, a blue chakra cloak with purple chakra swirling around it that looked like a tiger and I had ten tails.

"The reflection you're looking at, Princess, is you in your tailed beast form" a voice I recognised anywhere said.

"Are you there Madara?" I asked.

"Yep, standing right behind you" he said and I turned around to see one of my great ancestors. I bowed in respect to him and he did the same.

"No need to be so formal, Madara-Sama" I said slightly frightened, standing in front of one of the most powerful people ever is frightening for a little girl like me.

"So now you decide to be respectful. Tell me, are you scared Princess?" He asked. I gulped and said,

"Well you shouldn't be, I'm not the one that's going to hurt you, please follow me Princess" he said and I followed him until we were in front of big golden gates. They looked like they were highly secure.

"This is where the one who might harm you is, now if you'll excuse me, I must leave. See you around" he said and disappeared.

"Hello" I said hiding my fright.

"Ahh, welcome child of the legend, my name is Kiyara [Kye-ya-ra] and I am the Ten Tailed Tiger."


A/N: Hey guys, what do u think about the legend and Ten Tailed Tiger. I love it!!! XD Tell me what you think and it would really make my day if you voted for me in the Naruto Watty Awrds on Naruto_Watty_Awards_ I really need the votes. Love you all.

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