Chapter 14 - First Mission

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I was eating breakfast when Sasori walked in the room,

"Leader wants to see Naomi, Itachi and Kisame" he told us. We all headed to leaders office.

Itachi knocked on the door and we heard the stern "Enter" behind the door. When we walked in, Konan was standing next to Pein and Pein had a bit of lipstick in the corner of his mouth.

"Umm, Pein, you got a little something" I said pointing to the corner of my mouth. Konan then speed walked out of the room blushing as Pein wiped his mouth.

"Sorry if we.......interrupted something" Itachi said smirking behind his cloak as me and Kisame made it look like we were making out to mock him and Konan. He glared and said,

"Stop it you two" but we didn't....until Itachi turned around and said, "Stop it now" in his emotionless tone. We stopped and faced leader.

"Ok, you three are going on a mission to Konoha, but Naomi, you will have a two part mission." Leader said, but I was just excited to go on my first mission.

"The first part of your mission is to infiltrate the upcoming chunin exams, find out any information you can on the jinchūriki and other skilled shinobi. The second part is to meet up with Itachi and Kisame, then from there you will try to capture the Nine Tails. Itachi and Kisame, your mission is to gather information on the leaf then meet up with Naomi to capture the Nine Tails." We all nodded and left the room.

"Woohoo!!!! MY FIRST MISSION!!!" I screamed in excitement.

"Calm down Uchiha" Kisame said and I shot him a glare.

"Alright let's go pack then meet back here in 10 minutes so we can plan" Itachi ordered and we all went to pack.

After what felt like FOREVER waiting for the walking, talking sushi, he finally emerged from his room. I was done sitting on the lounge listening to Deidera yelling at Dora.

Tobi was watching it.

"Where is swiper?" Dora would ask.

"Behind you" Deidera said back.

"Where?" Dora asked again.

"BEHIND YOU GOD DAMMIT" Deidera screamed.

Oh my kami, it went on for ages, I was ready to put both Dora and Deidera in a Tsukuyomi, then fish face saved me by finally coming out from his room.

"Ok, so after the chunin exams, you will meet up with us at this town on the outskirts of Konoha" Itachi pointed to a place on the map outside of Konoha and looked at me.

"Me and Kisame are going to be staying in a hotel here" he said.

"Got it, I better get going, love you Tachi, Fish Face."

"Oh, by the way, Leader wants to see you again"

"K, I'll see you later" I gave Itachi a kiss on the cheek and Kisame a hug and went to leaders office.

I knocked on the door and waited for the, "Enter" from Pein.

" wanted to see me. Do you want advice for your make out sessions? I can sure help you in covering it up" I asked mockingly, raising may eyebrow, with a smirk.

"No, I called you here to ask if you would like me to use the Age Transfer Justu so you look older?" He asked.

"Sure, but only  by four years" I said and he nodded. He did hand sighs and said,

"Age Transfer Justu: Four Year Permanent" and then I felt everything grow. Suddenly, when I looked in the mirror, I looked......older and.......stunning.

"Well, I've got to go, see you later....oh and have fun with Konan when you hav-"

"Goodbye" he interrupted. I smirked and left for my first mission.

I'm now 10 instead of 6. My hair is longer and so are my bangs but they're parted now, my chest has started to grow outwards and I'm a bit taller. My clothes are fairly tight on me so when I get to Konoha I'll have to buy some new clothes. My stomach was pretty flat so that was good.

As I was jumping through the trees my newly long hair was flying behind me. I kind of looked like I was, it kind of gives me an advantage. I also realised that I was faster. It was a REALLY long way to Konoha.


A/N: Hahahaha!!! That last Pein bit was funny don't you think? Well there will be lots more funny stuff 😉! Also the pic up the top is Naomi age 10.

See ya

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