Chapter 13 - Eyes

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"He's........Madara Uchiha" Itachi's eyes widened.

"His soul lives in me, I don't know when or how it happened, all I know is that some old guy is in my head. Also, I have no idea how he got into my Tsukuyomi" I explained to my brother. He was showing an emotion I've never seen before. Something like fear and shock at once.

"Okay, well I've got a mission so stay safe, and don't cause any trouble!" He commanded so I gave him a mock two finger salute and saying,

"Sir yes Sir, love you Itachi"

"Love you too Naomi"


Itachi and walking sushi left for their mission about an hour ago and will be back in one to two days. I went to Kakazu's room to ask him something, since he is the medical guy of the Akatsuki. I knocked on the door even know it was open.

"Hey Kaku, will you do me a massive favour?" I asked sweetly.

"Depends, what is it?" He asked.

"I need you to preform a surgery for me, I want you to transplant these eyes into mine" he looked at me weirdly.

"Why do you want that, and do you have your brothers permission?" He was annoying me with questions now.

"None of your business and why does it matter, I'm the one that wants this!"

"Hmm........yeah, no. Not without your brothers permission or he'll have my head on a silver platter" he said and now I was pissed that I needed my brothers permission for EVERYTHING.

"He's not the only one that'll have your head" I muttered.

"Okay then, bye" I said and turned around. This is where my Sharingan comes into play, you know besides fights. This justu will probably turn me blind but it'll be worth it.

"Kotoamatsukami" I muttered and turned around to face him. His eyes went wide before they stared right into my Mangekyō ones that dripped with a bit if blood. I'd used them a bit to much.

I then made him say,

"Actually Naomi, I'll do that
surgery for you"

"Okay I'll meet you in the surgery room" and with that I left to the surgery room.

I was laying on the table/bed when Kakazu walked in.

"I can't believe you used those stupid Sharingan eyes on me, no wonder Deidera despises them" he said annoyed and I smirked and shrugged.

"Ok where are the eyes?" I handed him the Mangekyō Sharingan eyes. They weren't just any eyes, they were Madara Uchiha's eyes. I 'found' them before I left the Hidden Leaf Village.

"I'll have to strap your arms, legs and head down so hold still" he said and strapped down those parts.

"Now I will inject you with this and it will make you go to sleep" he did that and I fell asleep.


When I woke up, no one was in the room and I couldn't see anything so me being me, I freaked.

I ran out of my room and into the lounge room. Now if your asking how I knew where I was going, I didn't, I followed familiar chakra signals, running into quite a few things on the way.

Third POV

Naomi ran into the room with bandages around her eyes and started yelling.

"KAKAZU YOU STUFFED UP, NOW I CAN'T SEE AT ALL!!!!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!!!" She yelled and charged at him but ran into the lounge. A few people snickered.

"SEE WHAT YOU DID!!!" Everyone sweat dropped at her.

"Umm....Naomi just take those bandages off, I'm sure it'll be fine by now" Kakazu explained to her.

"Oh....that makes soooo much more sense" she said and again, they all sweat dropped. She took it off to reveal.....

"The Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan......" Itachi trailed off.

"Oh, hey Itachi, you like?" Naomi questioned sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck.

"Come with me Naomi" he said and she followed him to his room.

Itachi's POV

"What were you thinking, the powers of those eyes are to powerful and are extremely difficult to control" I scolded.

"Who's eyes did you use anyway?"

"Umm....Madara's" she answered and I buried my head in my hands. Of all the people, Madara was the person she chose. One of the most powerful people to ever live, how did she even manage to get his eyes. Now that I think about it, there once was a legend. Once I calmed down, I decided to tell her about the legend.

"Naomi, did you know that there once was a legend passed down through the main branch of the Uchiha Clan? The legend says that there would be a girl born into the main family, she was said to become the most powerful Uchiha to ever live and would surpass the likes of Madara Uchiha himself" I explained to her. I for one believed that I was sitting right next to the girl from the legend. I believe that Naomi could be the strongest Uchiha to ever live.

"Well I'm going to bed, see you in the morning" I said kissing her forehead and left the room.


A/N: Sup peeps, what do u think about her Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan? There is going to be more things to do with her Sharingan and she might have her first mission next. Yay 👏👏👏. Comment, Vote, Follow.


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