Chapter 17 - First Exam

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After the little fight between the sound ninja and Kabuto, a guy I remembered to be Ibiki entered. He introduced himself and we were told where to sit.

I was seated with the window on my left and the jinchūriki Gaara on my right. After Ibiki explained the rules, I had already figured out that the point of this test was to cheat without being noticed. A common skill needed as a chunin was to gather information.

"BEGIN" Ibiki yelled and everyone began there test...........except me. I sat there staring out the window. I was thinking about Itachi.

Are you going to do the test? Madara questioned and I replied with a simple Soon.

When there was five minutes till the 10th question I sneakily released the Genjutsu and used my Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to see the answers of one of the hidden chunin. I quickly put the Genjutsu back up and relaxed again daydreaming. I could probably figure out the answers but I couldn't be bothered at the current time.
"Okay everyone, time for the tenth question" Ibiki said then explained that you could drop out, blah blah blah I wasn't really listening.

Naruto said something about a nindo. A few people dropped out but not many. Most gaining confidence from Naruto's speech.

"The only thing left to tell you now pass" Ibiki explained but I zoned out everyone's gasps and questions.
Madara? I asked.

What? he answered.

What do you think Sasuke would think if he saw me again, do you think he still hates me for no reason? The thought had been going through my mind the whole test

I don't know, you know you could show him your not that useless Madara suggested.

HEY!!! but sure, I might try that, thanks.

While I was zoned out everyone had now left except............Sasuke.

I get up and start walking away but a hand grabs my wrist. I turn to meet him Sharingan.

"Who are you?" He asked coldly.

"You wouldn't care, you'd probably tell me to go away and tell me that I'm a distraction and that I get in the way, again!" I kind of ranted but muttered the last part to myself.

Sasuke's POV

It was just me and that girl, that I don't know the name of, left in the room now. She had finished daydreaming and got up to leave. I grabbed her wrist from behind and she spun around.

"Who are you?" I questioned activating my Sharingan.

"You wouldn't care, you'd probably tell me to go away and tell me that I'm a distraction and that I get in the way!" she said and muttered something I didn't hear at the end. For some reason, those words sounded familiar but I couldn't figure it out.

"What do you mean?" I asked again.

"It doesn't matter, like I said, you wouldn't care" She kind of spat the last part. I must admit that this girl was pretty, actually now that I think about it, she kinda looks like him.

"I'm going" she said and walked out.

~Later that night~

Naomi's POV

I got hungry so I decided to eat the dango that I kinda stole from Itachi (^⚬^').

He's probably going to be like: -/_\-

I was sitting on the balcony eating my.....ahem.....Itachi's dango, when I felt a chakra on my roof. I knew who's it was so I went up. When I got up there I saw just who I thought it was..........Gaara.

"Hello" I said, trying to be as polite as I can. He stayed silent so I went and sat next to him.

"You do know how to talk right?" I questioned and he turned his head to look at me and said,

"Why aren't you scared of me?" He asked and I looked at him weirdly.

"Why would I be, I mean we're all human........right?" I asked feeling a bit weird. I decided to lay down on the roof when he muttered "I have to go" and jumped off the roof.

"Ooookay then" I said and started to drift to sleep.

~In dream~
Third POV

There was a girl with long, black hair and crimson eye with a beautiful pattern in them. The room was pitch black and it looked like she was standing on thin air. She looked like she was lost. A pair of bright, crimson eyes suddenly appeared. They looked just like hers but had the pattern of a shuriken in them.

"Who are you?" She called out but, no answer. Those eyes seemed familiar to her and it's like she could feel a presence that she knew well from a long time ago. The eyes started to spin and the raven haired girl disappeared.

~Back in real world~
Naomi's POV

I jolted awake from a dream, no......a nightmare, but nothing bad happend so it couldn't be a nightmare.

Anyway, I got up, wait......I thought I fell asleep on the roof, ehh, but I now had a bad feeling in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom sink and vomited. When I looked closely I saw....................a few specks of bright, scarlett blood. I froze and fell to the floor, clenching my head in pain.

Madara......w-what's happening?

It's not me child, it's it!

Who is it?

"Ahhh!!!" I screamed in pain but my bathroom walls were sound proof.

I cannot talk at the moment, I'm sorry. He said and disappeared. My transformation justu deteriorated and my eyes started spinning. They were now bleeding when a boy who looked a fair bit older that me appeared.

"Naomi" he whispered in disbelief.

'Her eyes are different, that's not the normal Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, that's more' the boy though to himself. He had short raven hair and the same eyes from my dream.

"Pl-Please he-lp me" I said in pain. He crouched down to me and placed my head in his lap. He started drawing circles on my forehead and cooed,

"Shh, shh my Black Panther, calm down". I remembered this boy, he used to do this when I was a baby. But what was his name.

The pain finally stopped and the boy disappeared saying,

"I'll see you again, Naomi"........


A/N: Ohhhhh, another cliffhanger!!! Who is this boy and what is it? Take a guess. Comment follow and vote. ✌️

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